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专科毕业设计(论文) 设计题目: PLC改造摇臂钻床电气系统的设计 系 部: 电气工程系 专 业: 船舶电气 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 职 称: 副教授 摘要 科学技术的不断发展,生产工艺的要求不断提高,电气控制技术经历了从手动到自动、从简单到复杂、从单一到多功能、从硬件控制到软件控制的不断变革。19世纪末到20世纪初为生产机械电力拖动的初期。随着拖动方式的不断演变,电力拖动的控制方式也经历了不断的变革,从手动逐步向自动控制方向发展。20世纪60年代出现了顺序控制器,这种以逻辑元件插接方式组成的控制系统,编程简单,成本也大大降低,然而却仍然属于硬件手段,并且体积较大。20世纪70年代,一种新型工业控制器——可编程控制器(PLC)问世,它以微处理技术为核心,综合了计算机技术、自动控制技术和通信技术,以软件手段实现各种功能控制功能,具有极高的抗干扰能力,适宜各种恶劣的生产环境,兼备了计算机和继电器两种控制方式的优点。 用PLC改造车间的旧机床在现有的企业里是非常现实的技术改造方案,具有投资省,见效快的特点。通过使用PLC改造该机床电气系统后,去掉了原机床的中间继电器、时间继电器、顺序二极管及电阻,使线路简化。 关键字:可编程控制器 硬件 软件 继电器 Abstract The continuous development of science and technology, increasing demands of the production process, electrical control technology has evolved from manual to automatic, from simple to complex, from single to multi-function, changes from hardware control software of control and efforts. 19 century to the beginning of the early 20th century for the production of machinery and electric drive. With the continuous evolution of dragging, electric drive control also undergo constant change, from the manual step by step to control direction. In the 1960 of the 20th century there was a sequential controller, this logical component plug control systems, programming simple, greatly reducing cost, however it is still a means of hardware, and relatively large size. In the 1970 of the 20th century-a new industrial controllers-programmable logic controller (PLC) was, with micro-processing technology as the core, integrated computer technology, control technology and communication technology, software means to implement features control, with high anti-jamming ability, suitable for all kinds of bad environment, combines the advantages of computer and relays control in two ways. Transforms the workshop with PLC the old engine bed in the existing enterprise is the extremely


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