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1.“This is a range of wines that Belgian supermarket chain Delhaize offers within its own brand “365”, which includes simple, everyday products at affordable prices. The cork is a sign of humility, an object of little value, often used as craft material, as a simple and easily manipulated element with which to play and create. The use of cork gives it the air of something simple, typical of an everyday product. The cap is the element that unifies and personalizes the whole range. The motif designed for each label refers to the country of origin.” “这是一个范围的葡萄酒,比利时连锁超市德尔海兹集团提供了在它自己的品牌“365”,其中包括简单的以负担得起的价格的日常用品。软木是谦逊的标志,一个没有多少价值的对象,多用于工艺材料,作为一个简单的,容易处理元素来玩和创建。使用软木赋予了它在空气中的简单的东西,是日用品的典型。帽子是统一和拟人化的整个范围的元素。为每个标签的图案设计是指国家的起源。” 2.“The development of this design is based on a fundamental premise: differentiation. The goal was to design a label which stands out from the competitors. There are three elements which revolve around the design of this Limited Edition: an organic decoration which is repeated as a pattern, a central vintage banner and a monochromatic scheme.” ?发展的设计是基于一个基本的前提:区别。目标就是设计一个能够在竞争者中脱颖而出的标签。有以这款限量版的设计为核心的三个元素:一个是作为一个模式重复的有机装饰,一个是中央老式的旗帜以及一个单色搭配。” 3.“Motozone is a fictitious company that is specializes in high-end auto parts. A company which strays away from discount products and appeals to serious car enthusiasts. The Motozone logo works a bit differently as the word after “Moto” changes depending on the product. Motopart – Is the private label of Motozone – a wide range of quality products, made to ensure the customers long lasting use. This showcased material is the wrench tool line, which changes size depending on the size of the wrench.” 揗otozone 是一个主要从事高端汽车零部件的虚拟的公司。这是一家偏离折扣产品并且对汽车爱好者有很强吸引力的公司。Motozone标志的作用有点不同于“Moto”之后的词,其改变取决于产品。Motopart——是Motozone的私人标签——大范围的优质产品,以确保客户长久使用。这里展示的材料是扳手工具线,它的改变大小取决于扳手的大小。” 4.“BBQ IT, stems from a desire to make cooking products appeal more to men. BBQ IT marinade kit draws inspiration from rancher’s branding their catt


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