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【摘 要】 交流励磁发电机的基本结构与绕线式异步电机相同,其定子侧杰电网,转子上采用三相对称分布的励磁绕组,由变频器提供对称交流电励磁,且励磁电压的幅值大小、频率、相位、相序都可根据要求加以控制,从而可以控制发电机励磁磁场大小、相对于转子的位置和电机的转速,使得交流励磁发电机具有良好的稳定性及转速适应能力、独立的有功与无功调节能力和较强的进相运行能力,特别适合应用于需要变速运行的水电机组、抽水蓄能机组和风电机组,性能超越传统同步发电机和感应发电机,因而有着广阔的应用前景。 励磁控制系统在形成交流励磁发电机的优良特性方面起着关键作用主要工作内容和成果如下: 研究交流励磁发电机的a-b-c坐标系数学模型、d-q-0坐标系数学模型。给出了交流励磁发电机在同步旋转坐标下的基本方程,并得出定转子有功功率、无功功率表达式。对交流励磁发电机静态稳定性的研究和暂态稳定性的研究。采用定子磁场定向的方法对交流励磁发电机系统进行矢量控制研究,得出矢量控制方程,确定交流励磁发电机变速恒频运行以及有功无功解耦调节的控制策略。述了交流励磁发电机励磁系统的矢量控制技术后,实用matlab/simulink软件对系统进行了仿真分析。 关键词:交流励磁发电机;矢量控制;变频器;matlab/simulink 【Abstract】 The basic structure of AC excited generator winding asynchronous motor with the same power, the stator side - the rotor excitation winding, the three-phase symmetrical distribution, symmetrical alternating current excitation provided by the inverter, and the excitation voltage amplitude, frequency, phase, phase sequence can be controlled according to the requirements, which can control the generator excitation magnetic field, with respect to the rotor position and speed of the motor, the AC excited generator has the stability and speed of good adaptability, independent of the active and inactive regulation ability and strong capability of running in phase, especially suitable for application in need of hydroelectric generating set, variable speed operation of pumped storage units and wind turbines, performance beyond the traditional synchronous generator and induction generator, so it has broad application prospects. Excitation control system plays a key role in the main contents and results are as follows in the excellent characteristics of formation of AC excited generator: Study of AC excited generator a-b-c coordinate mathematical model, the d-q-0 coordinate mathematical model. The basic equations of AC excited generator in synchronous rotating coordinates is given, and the stator active power, reactive power expression without. Research on the static stability of AC excited generator research and transient s


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