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题 目 公路运输业对于国内生产总值的影响分析 关 键 词 公路运输、国内生产总值(GDP)的影响、交通建设、客货运输、直接贡献、波及效果、相关行业的直接消费、就业机会 摘 要: 本文研究的是关于公路运输业影响国内生产总值的问题,通过分析题目所给出的数据利用SPSS软件和MATLAB软件对数据进行处理分析和求解,从而分别回答了题目提出的所有问题。 针对问题三:模型一中利用附件3中提供的全社会客运总量和全社会货物运输量以及等级公路面积的相关数据分别拟合了前两个因素和等级公路面积之间的函数关系,而GDP最终表示为关于等级公路面积的函数,然后由函数求出GDP最大值时的对应的等级公路的面积值。最后在各市的投资金额比例即由等级公路的面积比例来呈现。模型二由题目分析,我们采取简单的数理统计分析方法。根据附件三我们划分了直接贡献、相关行业的直接消费、创造就业机会四部分,然后根据每个县的统计数据,统计出每个市的数据,同时结合题目要求预测未来的资金投入比例,我们综合五年的数据变化,预测未来趋势的发展,从而做出相对应的图形和给出数据表格。 针对问题四:通过运用层次分析法(AHP)分析数据得到结论:随着生产力水平的提高,客货运输对GDP的影响越显著,但当生产力水平的发展趋于饱和时,客货运输对生产力的影响指数也趋于饱和。 参赛队号: #2103 所选题目: C 题 Abstract: This paper studies the impact on the road transport industry GDP given topic by analyzing the data using SPSS software and MATLAB software for data processing and analysis and solution, which answered all the questions raised by the topic. Problem: the use of model provided in Annex 3 of the total passenger traffic of the whole society and the whole society freight traffic and level road area data were fitted by the functional relationship between the first two factors and level road area, and the final GDP expressed as a function of level road area, and then obtained by the function value of GDP maximum level that corresponds to the area of the road. Finally, the proportion of the amount of investment in municipalities that presented by the area ratio of the grade highway. By the subject of the model analysis, we take a simple mathematical statistical analysis method. Accordance with Annex III, we divided the direct contribution of the direct consumption of related industries, create employment opportunities four parts, then each county statistics, the statistics of the data for each city, combined with the subject asked to predict the future of the proportion of capital investment, we comprehensive five-year change in the data, to predict the future trend of development, in order to make the corresponding graphics and given data tables. P


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