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成都电子高专毕业设计 题 目: PLC水塔水位控制及应用系统设计 2011年 10月9日 目 录 1 绪 论 1 1.1可编程控制器的产生 1 1.2 PLC的发展 3 2 PLC的基本结构 4 2.1 中央处理单元(CPU) 4 2.2 存储器 4 2.3 输入/输出模块 6 2.4 扩展模块 7 2.5 编程器 7 2.6 PLC电源 8 3 PLC的工作原理与特点 9 3.1 PLC的工作原理 9 3.2 PLC特点 11 4 梯形图程序设计及工作过程分析 13 5 水塔水位系统设计 14 5.1 水塔水位系统PLC硬件设计与调试 14 5.2 水塔水位系统控制电路与输入/输出设备 15 5.3 水塔水位控制系统PLC的输入/输出接口分配表 16 6 水塔水位控制系统PLC软件设计 16 6.1 水塔水位控制系统工作过程 16 6.2 水塔水位控制系统程序流程图 16 6.3 水塔水位控制系统梯形图 18 结 论 19 致 谢 20 参考文献 21 PLC进行主控制,在水箱上安装一个自动测水位装置。利用水的导电性连续地全天候地测量水位的变化,把测量到的水位变化转换成相应的电信号,主控台应用MCGS组态软件对接收到的信号进行数据处理,完成相应的水位显示、故障报警信息显示、实时曲线和历史曲线的显示,使水位保持在适当的位置。 关键词: 水位控制、PLC 、故障报警 Abstract With the development of modern social production and technological progress,the level of modern industrial automation increasingly rapid development of microelectronics technology machine, the relay control system based on a new generation of industrial control devices - programmable logic controller . With the development of technology and the reality of some of the problems exposed in order to be more efficient and more convenient to complete some tasks in the industrial and agricultural production process, often need to measure and control the water level. Water level control applications in everyday life are very wide, such as water towers, groundwater, hydropower and other water level control case. The water level detection can have a variety of implementation methods, Such as mechanical control, logic control, electrical and mechanical control. In this paper, the main PLC control, install an automatic water tank level measuring device. The conductivity of water use around the clock to measure the water level continuously changes, the measured water level changes into a corresponding electrical signal, the console application MCGS the received signal configuration software for data processing, complete the corresponding level shows fault alarm information display, real-time display of curve


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