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本科毕业设计说明书(论文) 题 目: 基于Zigbee的考勤器设计 专 业: 班 级: 学 号: 学生姓名: *** 指导教师: 起迄日期: 设计地点: 摘要: Zigbee技术是一种距离短的无线传输的自组织网络,它所提供的是简单、灵活、可靠的方式,因为在楼宇布线相当复杂,这一技术广泛应用在楼宇自动化中。ZigBee技术具有无线传感网络,低功耗、低成本、时延短、网络容量大的特点,但其数据传输量不大,适合于数据采集和监控网点多的应用场景。 本文主要研究的是ZigBee考勤器的设计,本次试验的设计是由ZigBee的终端节点采集设备、路由传输节点、协调器和电脑VB系统软件组成,利用CC2530开发软件以及IAR C设计平台,分别实现对卡号信息的采集(卡号、姓名、出入时间、出入地点等)、数据的传输和数据的查询等功能,来完成实现考勤器的设计。 相较于WiFi和蓝牙,ZigBee技术设计的考勤器具有功耗低,低速率,电池供电能力强等特点,ZigBee作为一种新兴的技术,正在迅速的发展和推广。 关键词:ZigBee技术、路由、CC2530 毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要 毕业设计说明书(论文)英文摘要 Title Attendance is based on Zigbee Abstract Zigbee technology is a short distance from the self-organizing networks of wireless transmission, it provides a simple, flexible, reliable way, because the wiring in the building complex, the technology and the increasingly wide applications in building automation. ZigBee technology with wireless sensor networks, low power, low cost, short latency, network capacity characteristics, but not the amount of data transmission suitable for data collection and monitoring network and more scenarios. This paper studies the attendance was ZigBee design, design of this trial is the induction ID card, node capture devices,routing transit node VB systems and computer software, the use of CC2530 and IAR C development software and design platform, respectively, to achieve collection of card information (card number, name, access time, the access point, etc.), data transmission and data query and other functions, to complete the realization of attendance and design. Compared to WiFi and Bluetooth, ZigBee technology designed Attendance has low power, low speed, battery capacity and other characteristics, ZigBee as an emerging technology, is rapidly developing and promotion. Keywords: ZigBee technology.routing.CC2530 目 录 前 言 1 第一章 绪 论 2 1.1 本课题的研究背景 2 1.2 本课题的研究目的和意义 2 1.3 考勤器系统的发展现状 4 1.3.1 国外考勤器的发展现状 4 1.3.2 国内考勤器技术的发展现状 4 1.4 考勤器的发展趋势


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