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很抱歉告知,我们认为价格偏高。近期,我们也收到了其他供应商的报盘,价格较为低廉。 在这种情况下,我们无法接受贵方的报盘,因为质量类似的产品以较低的价格就可以买到。如能降价5%,有望成交。 译文 还盘 亲爱的约翰: 感谢您的HT200-96订单。我们注意到您要求的折扣是35%。事实上,比起其他供应商,我方报价已经非常优惠,利润已经非常薄,目前状况下,最多只能给予客户25%的折扣。但是,鉴于我们是第一次合作,我方想和贵公司长期往来,所以此次给予您30%的折扣。 盼早日收到您的订单。 实训任务 案例三:还盘 Dear John, Thank you for your order No. HT200-96. We have noticed with interest that you are asking for a 35% discount. As a matter of fact, the price we have quoted is very competitive compared with quotations from other suppliers. Furthermore, we are working on an extremely narrow profit margin, so 25% is the most generous discount we can give our customers under the present condition. However, considering this is our first cooperation and we do hope to build up long-standing relationship between us, we are prepared to let you have a special discount of 30% for this business. We are looking forward to your order. Yours Sincerely, Sally 实训任务 案例三:还盘(答案) On inspection, we found that 200 bags had burst and that the contents, estimated at 8,000kg, had been irretrievably lost. We proceeded to have a survey report made. The reports indicates that the loss was due to the use of substandard bags for which you, are responsible. 4.3.5 投诉 检查货物时, 我们发现有200袋货物破损, 估计损失8000公斤。其后对该票货进行检验,检验报告显示,该损失是由于包装袋不合标准所致,故应由贵公司负责。 译文 投诉 亲爱的莎莉: 我方现就今晨到达的瓷器(货号:HT200-96)和贵公司商榷。拆箱时才发现我方收到的货物发错了,该票货显然不是我方订购的,应该是另外一家买主所订。请告知我方的货何时到达,我方客户已经等待多日。请告知我方收到的这票发错的货应如何处理。 盼早日回复。 约翰 实训任务 案例四:产品投诉 Dear Sally, We would refer to your consignment of Chinaware (Order No. HT200-96) which arrived this morning. On opening the cases, we found that we had received the wrong goods, the shipment are apparently intended for another buyer instead of our company. Please let us know what we are to do with the wrong cargo. Please adv


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