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本科毕业设计(论文) 题目: 在线用户团购行为的统计分析 ——以广东省为例 学 院: 理学院 专业(方向): 统计学 2012 年 6 月 10 日 摘 要 伴随着互联网在中国的普及和中国电子商务的繁荣发展,网络团购在国内网民中流行起来,并成为2011年增长第二快的网络服务。而在网络团购急剧膨胀的过程中,团购网站同质化竞争激烈,用户体验不佳、商家倍受诟病等问题层出不穷。团购网站如何脱颖而出?到底有哪些因素影响着网络团购的健康持续发展? 本文就广东在线用户团购行为的网上问卷数据进行分析,通过判断在线用户目前的团购状态、未来消费意愿等特征,划分为潜在消费者与现有消费者两类群体,进行以下分析: 首先,运用描述性统计方法研究其各自在年龄、性别、收入、职业、学历等基本特征,进行人口统计细分,得到团购的主要消费人群及这两群体基本特征;其次,运用因子分析和聚类分析,以在线用户的生活与购物态度作为细分变量,对在线用户进行市场细分,通过列联表分析可以看出目前几大受欢迎团购网站并没有明确的市场细分;再次,运用描述性统计方法分析其用户行为和购买需求:在选择团购网站、产品与服务、网络应用,以及能影响决策的团购广告形式等方面有何特点和差异,预测其市场前景;最后,运用满意度分析和列联表分析,找出网络团购中存在的问题与弊端。 通过以上分析,了解在线用户的一系列团购行为特征,给予团购网站与商家意见和建议,帮他们指明方向。 关键词: 互联网;团购;因子分析;聚类分析;满意度;交叉列联表 The Statistical Analysis of the Group-Buying Behaviors of Online Users 棗hTaking Guangdong Province as an Example Abstract: With the popularization of Internet and the boom of e-business in China, the online group-buying, which is ubiquitous in Chinese Internet users, ranks the second place in the Chinese Internet services. In the rapid development of online group-buying, there are many similar websites offering this service, and the competition is necessarily violent. On the other hand, the problems, such as the low service satisfaction level and the irresponsibility of the providers, emerge inexhaustibly. How can these websites grasp the opportunity and stand out? What on earth will have negative impacts on the sustainable developmental environment of online group-buying? According to the network questionnaire data about the Internet users’ online group-buying behaviors in Guangdong Province, I divide these users into potential customers and actual customers by judging the current buying status, the future consuming willingness and other characteristics, and carry out the following analysis: First of all, the basic characteristics of these two groups of people are obtained with the descriptive statistical method


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