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基于web的网上订餐系统的设计与实现 作者:XXX 指导老师:XXX 摘要: 由于因特网技术的高速发展,人们生活与网络的脚步也随之越来越紧密。同时也随着市场化和经济全球化越来越多的普及,众多国内外企业都深刻地认识到想要提高企业的市场竞争力,就要率先抓住网络的商机,走信息化的特色道路。于是基于网上的订餐系统就在这样的情况下应运而生和发展起来了。网上订餐系统是一种针对餐饮业而设计的商务服务网站。通过本系统,客户可以迅速查找到适合自己所处位置的餐馆名称、餐馆所具有的菜谱及其对应价位,从而可以选择送餐异或订餐的方式来购买到自己所需的餐饮。这种方式可以显著提高餐馆的工作效率,同时也可以很大程度地节省客户因等待而浪费的时间。 该系统设计主要采用采用MYSQL数据库进行数据表的设计,利用JSP的动态生成页面编程技术, 实现了用网络展示餐饮信息、浏览餐饮页面、注册客户、更改客户信息;同时,完成管理人员对餐饮信息的添加、餐饮价格的更改、订单的管理以及用户信息的管理等功能。基于系统开发的软件工程规范的需要,本人严格执行需求分析,概要设计,详细设计与编码以及系统设计等设计步骤来完成该系统,并且在系统开发过程中结合理论知识与开发技术,完成了网上订餐系统平台的构建,实现预期的网上订餐的基本功能。 关键词:网上订餐 餐饮 订单 电子商务 MYSQL 购物车 The Internet based on web roscoe system design and implementation Writer: Zhoujin Teacher: Li shanshan Abstract: Because of the rapid development of Internet technology, people living with network steps also will more and more closely. Also with the marketization and economic globalization more and more popular, many domestic and foreign enterprise are profoundly realize that want to enhance the enterprise market competitiveness, first catch the opportunity to network , walk the road with informationization. Then based on online meal system in such cases emerged and developed. Roscoe system is a kind of online designed for catering business service website. Through this system, customer can quickly find suitable locations restaurant with the name of the restaurant menus and its corresponding price, thus can choose different or send a meal to buy into the way roscoe they need food. This way can improve the work efficiency, while restaurant can also be greatly save the client waste of time for waiting. This system mainly by using MYSQL database design data table design, use dynamic generation of JSP page programming techniques, realize the show with the network food-based information browsing catering page, registering customer and changing customer information; Meanwhile, it completes the management personnel to add food prices food-based information , change of order management and the us


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