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基于单片机及LabVIEW的制浆机水量调节系统的研究与设计 ??????基于单片机及LabVIEW的制浆机水量调节系统的研究与设计 ?????? ?????? Research and Design for the adjustment of water supply based on MCU and labview ??????? ?????????? ??????本次设计为一种制浆机及其控制方法,对此方面文献资料较少,因此论文难度偏难,需要参考资料非常之多。本设计制浆机,包括有水量检测传感器、装在水量阀上的电机及控制装置、置于机头下端的盛浆容器。其特征在于所述盛浆容器内或机头上装设有用于检测浆量(将浓度的测量转化成对浆水的重量测量可以避免浓度探头的损伤带来的经济利益的损失,而且方法更为简便)并将检测结果反馈给控制装置以供控制装置选择不同制浆程序的水位检测装置,水位检测装置的信号输出端与控制装置的信号输入端电连接。本发明制浆机的控制方法:质量检测模块将检测到的固定体积水量质量数据传输到上位控制界面,控制界面将接收到的水量质量数据与之前设定的数据进行比较分析,并得出加入容器内的实际水量;从而控制水量阀的开关大小。底层硬件部分为单片机控制的质量测量模块,经串口与LabVIEW相连接,上位机用LabVIEW编写控制界面。 ?????? ??????? ??????该论文有图64幅,表0个,参考文献 84 篇。 ??????关键词:制浆机,MCU,LabVIEW,水量控制。 ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? Abstract ??????the design is a system that focus on the control tecnology of water supply for paper/juice pulp making machine.there is a lack of literature major in this field,so this is kind of different,and I have to consult so many teachers and friends.the machine is include sensors for measuring the water supply,the control facilities of water swithse and the container for water.Its characteristics is the pulp container or arranged on the hand piece has used for detection of plasma volume (concentration measurement transformation gravim etric measurements with pairwise serofluid can avoid loss of concentration probe caused by the damage of the economic benefits, and the method is simple and convenient) and the detection results feedback to the control device for controlling device to choose different pulping process of the water level detection device and water level detecting device of the signal output terminal and the control device of the signal input end of the electric connection. The control method of the pulping machine of the invention: water level detecting device to detect the water level data transmission to the control device, control device to receive the data of water level and pre stored data for comparative analysis, and draw to join Sheng sl


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