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本科毕业论文 (20届) 题 目 学 院 专 业 班 级 学 号 学生姓名 教师 完成日期 摘 要 在日常的生活,学习和科研活动中电压作为一个最常被测量的物理量起着举足轻重的作用,作为一个如此重要的参量,电压的测量方式对其有很大的影响。在以数字化、智能化、科技化为主的今天,数字电压表以其高精度、高抗干扰能力、高扩展性、高集成能力和方便的数据传输,逐步取代指针式电压表成为电压测量的主流方式。本论文主要对数字电压表的发展历史和趋势,单片机的发展历史和趋势,单片机的应用,单片机的外部电路,单片机之间的数据传输,数码管显示电路,硬件制作和软件设计进行分析。 经过实验的证明,本论文设计的基于单片机的双机通信数字电压表无论在功能还是实际应用上都具有传统指针电压表无法比拟的优点。它可以被广泛地应用于学校、科研、国防等各个领域,为推动数字信息化作出应有的贡献。 关键词:PIC16F877A;数字电压表;电压;双机通信;数码管显示 ABSTRACT In daily life, learning and research activities of the voltage as one of the most frequently measured physical quantity plays an important role. As such an important parameter, voltage measurement has a great influence on it. In the digital, intelligent, technology of today, digital voltmeter with its high precision, high anti-interference ability, high scalability and high integration ability and convenient data transmission, gradually replace the pointer voltmeter has become the mainstream in the voltage measurement. This paper mainly analyze the digital voltmeter development history and trend of application of DVM, MCU development history and trend of application of MCU, MCU external circuit of single chip microcomputer, the data transmission between two MCU, digital display circuit, hardware production and software design are analyzed. After experiments, the digital communication voltmeter of this paper based on MCU both in function and practical application has the traditional pointer voltmeter incomparable advantages. It can be widely used in schools, scientific research, national defense and other fields, and make due contributions to the promotion of digital information. Keywords: PIC16F877A; Digital voltmeter; Voltage; Communication; Digital tube display 目 录 1.绪论 1 1.1数字电压表的发展历程 1 1.2国内外的发展现状与趋势 2 1.3课题的意义和目的 3 1.4本文所做的主要工作 4 2.硬件设计 5 2.1基础设计 5 2.1.1设计指标 5 2.1.2器件的选择 5 2.2单片机介绍 5 2.2.1单片机基本介绍 5 2.2.2单片机基本结构 6 2.2.3采用PIC16F877A的原因 7 2.2.4 PIC16F877A芯片主要性能参数 8 2.3总体设计 9 2.4仿真电路图及工作过程简介 10 2.5总体制作流程 11 2.6


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