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基于单片机的悬挂运动控制系统设计 摘要 悬挂运动控制系统是运动控制中的一个独特而重要的分支。对这种系统的设计与研究可以解决实际生活中的很多问题。本系统是一电机控制系统,该课题要求被控对象通过步进电机的旋转来调节其两端的绳索长度,从而不断改变物体的位置,在80cm×100cm的范围内做直线、画圆、点位等运动,此外,系统还要具备键盘输入与实时显示的功能。 在对该课题做了功能需求分析之后,进行了具体的方案论证,详细地阐述了各个模块的工作原理。设计的主要内容包括:以逐点比较插补算法和等分圆法的计算原理为基础,采用AT89C51单片机作为运算、控制单元;为了实现对物体的位置、方向以及运动时间的精确控制,采用两相混合式步进电机SC86HB65-04作为运动的执行机构,并由L297/L298驱动器进行驱动;选用4×4键盘来设定任意点的坐标参数以及运行模式;同时,使用LCD显示器来直观地显示被控对象的位置坐标。结果表明,本课题采用的控制原理与设计思路可以满足任务要求。 关键词:单片机,步进电机,悬挂运动,插补算法,等分圆法 DESIGN OF THE SUSPENDED MOTION CONTROL SYSTEM BASED ON THE SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER ABSTRACT Suspended motion control system is a unique and important branch of the motion control system. Many problems in real life can be solved by design and study of this system. This system is a motor control system. The object is required to change position to make linear, circle and point motion in the range of the 80cm×100cm through the rotation of the stepper motor to adjust the length of two ropes in this subject. In addition, the system has the function of keyboard input and real-time display. After the analysis of functional requirements on this subject, a specific demonstration of the program is done, the working principle of each module is clarified dentally also. The contents of the design include: The design is based on interpolation algorithm and sub-circle algorithm, AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer is used as the operator and control unit; Stepper motor SC86HB65-04 is used as the executing unit to achieve the precise control of the position, direction, and movement time, which derived by the driver of L297/L298; The selection of the parameters of point’s coordinates and the model of running is done by 4×4 keyboard; Besides, LCD display is used to show the location of the object coordinates. The results showed that the control theory and design ideas used in this subject meet the mission requirements. Key words: single-chip microcomputer,stepper motor,suspended motion,interpolation algorithm,sub-circle algorithm


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