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基于单片机的智能电表设计 摘 要 随着经济的快速发展,人们生活水平不断地提高,传统的电网已经不能满足现代社会的需求。现在智能电网技术蓬勃发展,作为智能电网的一个重要组成部分,智能电表也得到很大发展。在不久的将来,智能电表必将在全国范围内安装。所以智能电表技术的研究具有重大的现实意义。 传统电表只能显示总体用电量,而且需要人工抄表,浪费了大量的人力物力。智能电表的研究主要为了实现供需双方的实时通信,供方可以根据需求负荷调节电价,需方可以根据电价调节用电量。最终达到削峰填谷,节约用电的效果。本文针对电表现状,提出了基于单片机的智能电表的总体设计方案。 本文主要完成以下工作:提出了智能电表总体设计方案,设计了数据采集电路,运用Protel DXP软件绘制了原理图及生成了PCB板,焊制了数据采集电路板,运用Keil uVision2编写了程序。经过调试,电路板能较准确地显示输入的电压、电流的有效值,他们的功率因数角以及实时功率。 关键词:智能电表,数据采集电路,PCB板,程序设计 Abstract With the rapid development of economy, people life level continuously improve, the traditional power grid already cannot satisfy the demand of modern society. Now, smart grid technology to flourish, as an important component of smart grid, smart meters also get great development. In the near future, smart meters will be installed on a national scale. So the smart meter technology research is of great practical significance. Traditional meters can only show the overall power consumption, but also need artificial meter reading, wasted a lot of manpower material resources. Smart meters research mainly in order to realize the real-time communication of supply and demand, the supplier can adjust the price according to demand load, the buyer can be regulated according to electricity power consumption. Ultimately reached peak cut and save electricity effect. The meter at present, and puts forward the overall design scheme of intelligent electric meter based on single chip microcomputer. This paper mainly completed the following work: proposed the overall design scheme of smart meter data acquisition circuit was designed, using Protel DXP software to draw the schematic diagram and generated the PCB, welded the data acquisition circuit, using the Keil uVision2. Write the program. After debugging, the circuit board can accurately show the input of the effective value of voltage, current, power factor Angle and power in real time . Keywords: data acquisition circuit, PCB board, the program design 目录 摘 要 I Abstract II 目录 III 前


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