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基于战略成本管理的联想并购IBM的案例启示与分析 摘 要 我国 IT 行业经历了近三十年的发展,已经初步具备规模与影响力,初步形成了完整的产业链,其庞大的产业规模与良好的经济效益为带动我国经济的进步做出了巨大的贡献, 联想集团是我国目前该领域的领军企业。随着世界经济的一体化,联想集团正面临着国内和国际两个市场的竞争挑战,尤其是在信息时代和管理科学现代化的今天,企业管理者的行为无时无刻不涉及到战略问题,战略管理作为一种新型的管理方式给企业注入了新的活力,随之战略管理会计应运而生。战略管理会计是服务于战略比较、选择和战略决策的一种新型会计,它是管理会计向战略管理领域的延伸和渗透。它能够运用专门的方法为企业提供自身和外部市场以及竞争者的信息,通过分析、比较和选择,帮助企业管理层制定、实施战略计划以取得竞争优势,是企业进行战略决策的有效的手段。战略管理会计的形成和发展是现代市场经济和竞争的必然结果,是建立和完善现代成本管理体系的必然要求,它使管理会计进入了一个全新的发展阶段。要想使企业良性循环并不断发展,实施战略管理会计十分必要。 联想于2005年成功并购IBM的PC业务部,迈出了联想国际化坚实的一步。本文以战略绩效管理思想和并购理论为基础,对联想并购IBM的案例进行分析,旨在分析其并购思路并为未来IT企业在企业发展方面提供有借鉴意义的思路。 【关键词】 战略成本 联想 IBM 并购理论 Abstract Chinas IT industry has experienced nearly thirty years of development, has initially have scale and influence, initially formed a complete industrial chain, the sheer scale of the industry and good economic benefit to drive the progress of our country economy has made a great contribution, lenovo group is a leader in this field in our country at present. As the world economy integration, lenovo group is facing the competitive challenges of the domestic and international two markets, especially in todays information age and modern management science, the behavior of the enterprise managers always involves strategic issues, strategic management as a new type of management style has injected new vitality to the enterprise, with the strategic management accounting arises at the historic moment. Strategic management accounting is in the service of comparison, selection and strategic decision of a new type of accounting, it is management accounting to the extension and penetration in the field of strategic management. It can use a special method for the enterprise itself and the external market and competitor information, through the analysis, comparison and selection, help enterprise management, the implementation of strategic planning in order to obtain competitive advantage, is an effective means to the enterprise makes the strategy decision. The formation and


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