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填料箱盖的加工工艺及专用夹具设计 摘 要 在机械制造的机械加工,检验,装配,焊接和热处理等冷热工艺过程中,使用着大量的夹具,用以安装加工对象,使之占有正确的位置,以保证零件和工件的质量。 本次设计主要是进行填料箱盖零件的专用夹具的设计,是对我们以往所学知识的总结和对我们所掌握知识的一次扩展。本文主要从工艺规程的指定与夹具的设计两方面出发。根据零件本身的特点,生产类型以及零件在具体工作时的作用选择工艺规程和夹具。在工艺规程方面:确定生产类型,综合考虑其准确度高,生产效率高,消耗经济少等方面,选择一个最优方案;在夹具设计方面,因为是盖体类零件,加工Ф13.5孔,选择钻床加工,及?60孔粗糙度的加工,选择立轴矩台磨床加工,考虑诸多因素拟订最优方案,最终完成本次设计。 关键词:工艺规程,夹具设计,最优方案 Packing box cover processing and special fixture design ABSTRACT The machine made in the machine processes, examining, assembling, welding with heat handle to wait cold and hot craft process in, use a great deal of tongs, in order to the gearing process object, making it occupy right position to promise the quality of spare parts and work piece. This design is mainly the design of appropriation tongs which carries on covering body spare parts, is tally up the knowledge that we learn before and to the once expanding of the knowledge that we control.This text mainly sets out from the design both side of the specifying of craft rules distance and the tongs.According to the characteristics of spare parts, the function produced type and spare parts while concretely working choice the craft rules distance and tongs.In the craft rules distance aspect:Assurance produce a type, comprehensive consider its accurate degree high, produce an efficiency is high, consume economy little etc. aspect, choose the superior project;Design aspect in the tongs, because of is cover body spare parts, process Ф 13.5 bores, the choice drills a bed to process, considering many factors to draw up the superior project, end completion originally time design. KEY WORDS: The design both side of the specifying of craft rules distance, The craft rules distance aspect, The superior project 目 录 前 言 1 第1章 零件的分析 2 1.1 零件的作用 2 1.2 零件的工艺分析 2 第2章 确定毛坯、画毛坯图 4 第3章 工艺规程的设计 6 3.1 定位基准的选择 6 3.1.1 粗基准的选择 6 3.1.2 精基准的选择 6 3.2 制订工艺路线 7 3.3 选择加工设备及刀、夹、量具 7 3.4 加工工序设计 9 第4章 专用夹具设计 26 4.1 专用夹具设计分析 26 4.1.1 定位基准的选择 26 4.1.2 切削力及夹紧力的计算 26 4.2 定位误差的分析 27 4.3 夹具设计及操作的简要说明


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