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国际市场行情分析报告 题 目:我国房地产企业对美投资的发展战略研究 摘 要 在我国实施"走出去"战略和经济全球化不断加深的大背景下,我国房地产投资全球化已经成为一个不可逆转的趋势。目前,我国一部分房地产企业己经走上国际舞台井取得了一定的成绩。但是,由于中国房地产企业对外直接投资仍处于起步阶段,缺乏国际化经验,如何在复杂的政治经济背景下,实施企业对外投资策略,让中国资本立足海外市场是值得深入研究的课题。 本文主要采取理论分析和数据分析相结合的方法,基于房地产行业特点梳理了房地产对外直接投资理论,阐释了我国房地产企业对外投资现状和存在的问题,提出了针对这些问题的解决措施,并且借鉴外国房地产企业的各方面经验,为我国房地产企业制定了合理的发展战略。同时,综合借鉴国内外研究成果,本着理论与实践相结合的原则,分析本文通过我国房地产龙头企业一一绿地集团和万科集团为案例研究对象,对它们近几年的资金变化进行比较分析,同时分析它们近几年的战略发展变化,吸收它们成功的经验,为我国其他房地产企业对外投资提供可行的发展措施。 关键词:房地产企业 、“走出去”、资金变化 Abstract Under the background of going global strategy and deepening economic globalization, Chinas real estate investment globalization has become an irreversible trend. At present, some real estate enterprises in our country have got some achievements on the international stage. However, because the foreign direct investment China real estate enterprises is still in the initial stage, the lack of international experience, how in the complicated political and economic background, the implementation of foreign investment strategy of the enterprise, let China capital based on the overseas market is a subject worthy of further study. This paper mainly adopts the method of theoretical analysis and data analysis, combining the characteristics of the real estate industry combing the real estate foreign direct investment based on the theory, explains the current situation of Chinas real estate enterprises of foreign investment and the existing problems, puts forward the measures to solve problems, and learn from foreign real estate enterprises in all aspects of experience, develop the reasonable development strategy for real estate enterprises in china. At the same time, the domestic and foreign research results for reference, in line with the principle of combining theory and practice, through the analysis of Chinas real estate enterprises, green groups and Vanke Group as a case study, compares them in recent years, changes in the capital, and analyze them in r



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