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2012 届毕业设计说明书
摘 要
21世纪是信息时代,是获取信息,处理信息,运用信息的时代。传感与检术的重要性在于它是获得信息并对信息进行必要处理的基础技术,是获取信息和处理加工信息的手段,无法获取信息则无法运用信息。光电式传感器是将光信号转化为电信号的一种传感器。它的理论基础是光电效应。这类效应大致可分为三类。第一类是外光电效应,即在光照射下,能使电子逸出物体表面。利用这种效应所做成的器件有真空光电管、光电倍增管等。第二类是内光电效应,即在光线照射下,能使物质的电阻率改变。这类器件包括各类半导体光敏电阻。第三类是光生伏特效应,即在光线作用下,物体内产生电动势的现象,此电动势称为光生电动势。这类器件包括光电池、光电晶体管等。光电效应都是利用光电元件受光照后,电特性发生变化。敏感的光波长是在可见光附近,包括红外波长和紫外波长。数字式电子计数器有直观和计数精确的优点,目前已在各种行业中普遍使用。数字式电子计触式触发的,有采用电子传感器的非接触式触发的,光电式传感器数器有多种计数触发方式,它是由实际使用条件和环境决定的。有采用机械方式的接是其中之一,它是一种非接触式电子传感器。采用光电传感器制作的光电式电子计数器。这种计数器在工厂的生产流水线上作产品统计,有着其他计数器不可取代的优点。光电效应光电传感The 21st century is the age of information, it is the access to information, treatment information, use of the information age. Sensing and detection technology is important because it is the access to information and the information necessary to deal with the underlying technology, is access to information and means of processing information, unable to get information you wont be able to use information.
Photoelectric sensor is a light signal into an electric signal of the sensor. It is the theoretical basis of the photoelectric effect. These effects can be broadly divided into three categories. The first type is outside of the photoelectric effect, namely, in daylight, can make the tungsten surface. Use this effect caused by device with vacuum photocell, photomultiplier tubes, etc. The second category is the photoelectric effect, i.e., in the light, can make the electrical resistivity of the material change. Such devices include various types of photosensitive semiconductor. The third category is photo voltaic effect, in the light, the objects within the EMF EMF, this is called light-induced electromotive force. This class of devices, including photovoltaic cells, photo-transistor, etc. Photoelectric effect is using optoelectronic components affected by the lighting, the electric characteristics change. Sensitive optical wavelength is visible in the vicinity, including infrared waveleng