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Aesthetic Culture and Industries in Times of Network
——From the Perspective of Aesthetic Economy
LI Wen-ming1, LV Fu-yu2
(1.Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University, Ningbo 315100; 2.College of Economy Management, Sichuan University of Science Engineering, Zigong 643000, China)
Key words: aesthetic culture; aesthetic industries; the aesthetic economics of fashion; network culture; network media; aestheticization; symbol economy; aesthetics of experience
Abstract: Through the study of network culture industries from the perspective of aesthetic economy we can draw a conclusion that the study of aesthetic culture has become a trend in the field of aesthetics in China. The aesthetic culture takes on a complex situation in which pluralistic cultures coexist. Aesthetic float and emulation have a close relation to new media culture. The association of aesthetic economy and consumerism shows that network culture industries are typically symbolic economy. Thus, the aesthetic rules of intersubjectivity and virtual economy should be respected. The aesthetic industrialization unfolds a tendency of collation of super industrialization and its effects. Consequently, there will be corresponding popularization and civilianization of network culture industries.
审美经济学(The Aesthetic Economy of Fashion)通过系统论阐述经济学领域的审美现象,试图依托审美核心建立新的价值认识体系,还原人的诗性本质,在构建人类大文明系统中,寻求一种本真的、???以依托的理论。作为美学与经济学交叉、融合的学科,审美经济学主要研究一切经济活动中的审美因素,以及这些因素对经济效用、社会发展、人们的生活方式等的影响。它具体研究的问题包括:经济发展的根本目的,经济审美化的内在动因,经济审美化和国民幸福指数之间的关系,经济审美化对转变经济增长方式、加速发展现代服务业、全面提升经济社会发展水平的作用,经济审美化与社会和谐、环境友好、可持续发展的关系,经济审美化过程中外来文化与本土文化之间的相互影响,经济审美化同自主创新、提升技术要素之间的关系,经济审美化对产品销售、市场占有率、产品附加值和