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第9章 新韦伯主义冲突理论:柯林斯 在过去的三十年中,柯林斯(Randall Collins)一直致力于冲突理论,强调不平等不可避免地导致冲突进程,一些冲突是温和的、常规的,但有许多会变得更加暴力。和任何一个认同科学取向的理论家一样,柯林斯认为,社会学冲突理论的目标是用关键概念建立解释人类互动与组织中全部社会过程的命题。在这一章中,我们将强调柯林斯早期的韦伯主义倾向,在后面的章节中则会出现他对其他理论传统的运用。 9 Neo-Weberian Conflict Theory :Randall Collins During the last thirty years, Randall Collins,has consistently employed a conflict approach, emphasizing that inequalities inequalities inevitably set into motion conflict processes, some of which are relatively mild and routinized, but many of which can become more violent. As with any theorist committed to science, Collins sees the goal of a sociological theory of conflict as using a few key ideas to generate propositions explaining the full range of social processes in human interaction and organization. In this chapter, we will emphasize Collinss early Weberian thrust; in later cheaters. his use of other theorerical traditions will be highlighted. 社会组织的微观基础 柯林斯的冲突理论,以韦伯主义为核心,但也加人了其他因素:涂尔干对仪式的分析、戈夫曼( Erving Goffman)的戏剧论(dramaturgy )(第24章)、常人方法学( ethnomethodology)的谈话分析(第25章)以及其他微观理论视角。柯林斯认为,宏观现象,从根本上讲,是由个人之间的微观际遇产生并支撑的。简言之,宏观的、俘时段的社会结构建立在他称之为“互动仪式”(interaction ritual)的基础之上,这种互动仪式在复杂模式中连成一串。社会学理论要想获得对社会现实的真正理解,就必须考察面对面互动所透露出的信息,哪怕这些考察仅仅涉及到宏观结构中的部分互动仪式。 THE MICRO BASIS OF SOCIAL ORGANIZATION Randall Collies has developed a conflict approachl that, at its core, is Weberian but that adds elements from Emile Durkheims analysis of rituals, Erving Gofhnans dramaturgy; (Chapter 24), conversation analysis within eth- nomethodology (Chapter 25), and other micro-level theoretical perspectives. Collinss argument is that macro-level phenomena are, ultimately, created and sustained by micro encounters among individuals.In essence, large and long-term social structures are built from what he terms interaction rituals that have been strung together over time in complex patterns., If true understandingof social reality is to be achieved sociological theorizing, what transpires in face-to-face interaction mu


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