九年级人教版英语Unit 1 Life is full of the unexpected全课时教案.doc

九年级人教版英语Unit 1 Life is full of the unexpected全课时教案.doc

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九年级人教版英语Unit 1 Life is full of the unexpected全课时教案

Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. 第一课时 Section A(1a-2d) 【学习目标】 1.会运用下列单词和词组:[www.*z%zstep#.~co^m] unexpected, by the time, backpack, oversleep, ring, give …a lift, 2.能描述以下重要句型: By the time I got outside, the bus had already left. [来@源:中教~#网%][中国教育*出版@网#~][来~源:中国^教育%*出版网][来源@:z*zstep^.c%om][来源^:*中教%网~][www.zz*~ste^p.@com] 5.ring (过去式)____________ 6.ring(过去分词)____________ 7.leave(过去分词)_______________ 8.get(过去分词)____________ 9.put(过去式)____________ 10.luck(副词)_______________ 二. 单项选择[中#@%国教~育出版网][来源:%中#~教网*][来@源^:#中教网%] 【总结提升】 [ww@w.zzs%tep^.#com] 这节课我的收获是 ____________________________________________________________ 我的不足之处,知识方面________________________________________________________ 互助学习方面_________________________________________________________________ 第二课时 Section A(3a-3c) [来@源:zz*st#%^][中*国教%@育~出版^网][中国教^#育出~版%网][中@*国教育^出~版网][来#^源*:@中教网][中@~国教*%育出版#网][来#源:中*国教育出版^网%~][www.^zz@ste*p.co~m] Only a few live trees were left after the fire. (翻译) _______________________________________________________________ 【检测互评】比比谁做得好。 一、单项填空: ( )1.He was late and ended up _____ the accident . A. missed B. missing C. to miss D. missed ( )2.I saw black smoke ______ above the _____ house when I got outside . A.rising; burning B. rising; burn C.rise; burn D.rise; burning ( )3.The little boy felt ______ to be ________. A.lucky; alive B.lucky; live C.unlucky; live D. luckily; alive ( )4.Sometimes bad lucks can turn into good ones ________. A.expect B.unexpected C.expectedly D.unexpectedly ( )5. The plane took off but he didn抰 _____ at the airport . A.show around B.show off C.show up D.on show 二、根据汉语提示,完成句子。 1.Do you ______ _______ (听说) the earthquake in Ludian , Yunnan , last year? 2.I _____ ______ (到达)the shop and _____ _____ ______ (喝了杯咖啡)yesterday.[来源:*中国~教#育出版网@][w*^ww.zzstep.co#~m] 4.Everyone should ______ _______ _______ (排队等候). 5.The bank


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