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毕业设计计算书 题目: 二广高速公路连怀段路基路面工程综合设计 (K53+200-K54+400) 学 生 姓 名: 学 号: 班 级: 专业(全称): 土木工程(道路方向) 指 导 教 师: 2011年 6 月 二广高速公路连怀段路基路面工程综合设计(K53+200~K54+400) 摘 要 本设计为二广高速连怀段公路路基路面工程综合设计(K53+200~K54+400) ,全长1.2公里,双向六车道,设计车速为 80km/h,路基宽度为 32m。设计的依据为国家颁布的必威体育精装版技术标准,设计规范,施工技术规范,同时也参考了其他相关资料。 此次毕业设计主要包括:路线纵断面设计、路基横断面设计、边坡稳定性分析、边坡防护设计、挡土墙设计、路基路面排水设计以及路面结构设计等。设计中采用了骨架内植草防护;挡土墙选用的是仰斜式路堤挡土墙设计;排水设计对排水沟尺寸设计进行了水文计算;水泥路面和沥青路面拟定干湿和干燥两种状态各三种方案,并通过仔细比较选出最优方案;在本路段设置了三个盖板涵用于排水,一个盖板通道用于机耕通道;设置了一座桥来减少房屋和农田的占用。在计算机编程方面,我利用C语言编制了平曲线要素测设计算程序。 通过本次毕业设计,在专业知识方面得到了综合训练和提高,增强了独立分析和解决问题的能力,取得了很好的效果。 关键词:高速公路;设计;路基;水泥混凝土路面;沥青路面;排水工程;挡土墙 ABSTRACT In this design, our task is to develop the general design of subgrade and pavement of an expressway, which is from Lian hao te to Ji huai high speed . The expressway is 1.2 kilometres from K53+200 to K54+400, the designed speed limit is 80 km/h, and the wide of the subgrade is 34.5m with six lanes of two ways. The design basis are the lasted technical standards design and construction code, At the same time , some related information are also refere My prime contents of the design project include: the design of vertical section and cross-section, stability analysis of road foundation, side slope protection, retaining wall design, drainage design for subgrade and pavement, pavement structure design, ect. In this design, the subgrade slopes are pretected with grass planted in the framework; retaining walls used the batterly retaining wall; the size of drainage ditch is determined through by hydrological calculation in drainage design; each there structure of cement and alsphat pavement are developed distingsishly under the wet and dry conditions, the optimal pavement structure is obtained in terms of careful comparison; In this set of three cover sections of culvert for drainage, a cover for tractor access channel;and set up one bridges to reduce the occupation of houses and farmland. During this graduation d


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