八年级英语下册《Uni 9 Have you ever been to a museum》教案(第2课时).doc

八年级英语下册《Uni 9 Have you ever been to a museum》教案(第2课时).doc

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八年级英语下册《Uni 9 Have you ever been to a museum》教案(第2课时)

英语 学科 授课时间 任课教师 课 题 三 维 教 学 目 标 知识与技能: 1.词汇:invent,unbelievable, progress, rapid, unusual, toilet, encourage, social, peaceful, performance, perfect, itself, collect,German,ride,provice 2.短语:tea art,tea set,a couple of,encourage...to do.. 3.句型:I wonder how much more computer will be able to do in the future. Watching them prepare the tea with the beautiful tea sets is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself. 方法与过程: 自主学习合作探究,教师引导提示,学生整理展示,记笔记 情感态度价值观:鼓励学生去参观各样的博物馆,了解人文历史 教 学 重 点 1.词汇:invent,unbelievable, progress, rapid, unusual, toilet, encourage, social, peaceful, performance, perfect, itself, collect,German,ride,provice 2.短语:tea art,tea set,a couple of,encourage...to do.. 3.句型:I wonder how much more computer will be able to do in the future. Watching them prepare the tea with the beautiful tea sets is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself. 教 学 难 点 ever 与never 区别 解决方法 讲解,记笔记,背笔记,例题体会理解 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学内容 (教什么) 落实方式 (方法或手段) 设计意图 (为什么这样教) step1导入 (1分钟) Step2 学习目标 (2分钟) Step3自主学习 1. 新词 新词组 (2分钟) 图片导入 师生共同研读学习目标(见课件) 1.熟悉新词: invent,unbelievable, progress, rapid, unusual, toilet, encourage, social, peaceful, performance, perfect, itself, collect,German,ride,provice (大声读,读准确)[来源:Z。xx。k.Com] 简单、省时 明确学习收获 解除生词障碍 2.自主学习与合作学习结合3a/3b (15分钟) Step4 小组合作(4分钟) [来源:Zxxk.Com] [来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K] Step6 课堂小结 (1分钟) Step6当堂检测 (5分钟) Step7小组评价反馈(1分钟) Step8作业布置 (1分钟) Step9板书设计 再读3a,完成3b,3c,核对答案,一个小组一题 学生自主学习3a,小组合作生生解疑,教师补充,ppt展示3a知识点,学生背诵知识点 自主学习Grammar Focus,完成4a,小组展示答案,小组评价 小组讨论4b,展示讨论结果,写在黑板上(教师提示不同的时间状语与不同的时态搭配) 学生代表总结(依据ppt) 练习册第二课时单选 (5道单选,答案做到书上,最后核对答案) 老师总结各小组成绩,与学生自主评价相结合 练习册第二课时 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum? Period 2 (3a--4c) 短语:tea art,tea set,a couple of,encourage...to do.. 句型:I wonder how much more computer will be able to do in the future. Watching them prepare the tea with the beautiful tea sets is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself. 锻炼学生自学能力 锻炼合作能力,文字表达能力 [来源


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