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目 录 中文摘要 外文摘要 、绪论 、抢答器的系统概述 2.1 设计题目 2.2 设计任务 2.2.1 选题意义 2.2.2 设计目标 2.2.3 基本要求 2.2.4 提高要求 、系统的组成及工作原理 3.1 系统的组成框图 3.2 系统的工作原理 、电路设计 4.1方案的选择 4.1.1 方案一 4.1.2 方案二 4.1.3 确定方案 4.2 单元电路设计 4.2.1 抢答电路的设计 4.2.2 定时电路的设计 4.2.3 报警电路的设计 4.2.4 时序电路的设计 4.3 软件的设计 、电路实验与调试 5.1 焊接 5.2 调试中出现的问题及解决 总结 参考文献 附录(元件清单) 八?路?抢?答?器 摘 要 实用抢答器的这一产品是各种竞赛活动中不可缺少的设备,无论是学校、工厂、军队还是益智性电视节目,都会举办各种各样的智力竞赛,都会用到抢答器。目前市场上已有的各种各样的智力竞赛抢答器绝大多数是早期设计的,只具有抢答锁定功能的一个电路,以模拟电路,数字电路或者模拟电路与数字电路相结合的产品,这部分抢答器已相当成熟。现在的抢答器具有倒计时、定时、自动(或手动)复位、报警(即声响提示,有的以音乐的方式来体现)、屏幕显示、按键发光等功能。但功能越多的电路相对来说就越复杂,却成本偏高,故障高,显示方式简单(有的甚至没有显示电路),无法判断提前抢按按钮的行为,不便于电路升级换代。本设计要求就是利用PLC作为核心部件进行逻辑控制及信号的产生,用PLC本身的优势使竞赛真正达到公正、公平、公开。 关键词: 抢答器; 编码; 译码; 定时; 报警? Eight road to rob a device Abstract Practical buzzer this product is the indispensable equipment in various competitions, schools, factories, military or YiZhiXing television, hold all kinds of quiz, can use the buzzer. Already on the market at present all kinds of quiz responder is most early design, which has the function of vies to answer first lock only one circuit, with analog circuit, digital circuit or the analog circuits and digital circuits with the combination of product, this part of the responder has been quite mature. Now has a countdown, time vies to answer first instruments, automatic or manual reset, alarm (namely the beeping sounds, some represented in the form of music), luminous screen display, buttons, etc. But the more function of the circuit is relatively more complex, but higher cost, failure is high, the display mode is simple (or even no display circuit), can not advance judge rob the behavior of the button, is not convenient to upgrade in circuit. Using PLC as the core of the design requirement. Key words: Responder; ncipher; ecipher; iming; Alarm OK EQU 20H;抢答开始标志位   RING EQU 22H;响铃标志位   ORG 0000H   AJMP MAIN   ORG 0


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