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2003/08 策略管理投影片(Steve Chang) 2002/08 企業個案研討講義 第十章 公司策略:多角化,購併,及內部創業 壹、跨越單一產業(Expanding Beyond a Single Industry) 貳、經由多角化策略提升獲利(Increasing Profitability Through Diversification) 參、多角化的類型(Two Types of Diversification) 肆、多角化的限制(Disadvantages and Limits of Diversification) 伍、進入策略一:內部創業(Entry Strategy: Internal New Ventures) 陸、進入策略二:購併(Entry Strategy: Acquisitions) 柒、進入策略三:合資(Entry Strategy: Joint Ventures) 捌、企業重整(Restructuring) 壹、跨越單一產業 (Expanding Beyond a Single Industry) 集中在單一事業(單一產業或市場) 適用時機:快速成長的產業, 需要公司投入大量資源;若公司能建立競爭優勢, 則績效斐然。 優點: (1) 火力集中, 集中其管理、財務、技術的實體資源及能力於單一領域中競爭; (2) 專精於本業(focused on what it knows and does best), 避免進入不熟悉或資源能力無法發揮的領域。 雖然此類廠商可以水平或垂直整合進入其他領域, 但其前景仍維繫在主要的事業領域上; 若此一產業衰退, 則其前景堪虞。 Because there is compelling evidence to suggest that firms that rest on their laurels (桂冠), do not ever-learning, and force themselves to stretch can lose out to active new competitors that come along with superior business models. Accordingly, so many argue that companies must leverage their resources and capabilities across market segments and industries if they are to survive and prosper. A Company as a Portfolio of Distinctive Competencies [Hamel Prahalad (1994) 的核心能力組合分析] Hamel Prahalad 指出, 在確認各種產品或市場機會時, 應把企業重新概念化 (re-conceptualize)為一個特異能力的組合, 而非不同事業的組合; 接著思考這些核心能力如何能夠應用在新的產業或提供新的產品。 他們進一步指出, 確認現有的核心能力, 是公司從事多角化分析以確定進入那一個新事業機會的首要步驟。 核心能力分析矩陣圖(p.334, 圖10.1), 建構出四個策略象限 Fill in the blanks, “發揮現有能力, 改善現有市場中之競爭地位的機會”。 premier plus 10, “為確保10年後能維持現的競爭地位, 則目前應建立哪些新的能力”。 White spaces, “把現有能力作有創意的安排或重組, 可創造出哪些新的產品或市場”。 Mega opportunities, “針對令人興奮的市場, 培養哪些新的核心能力” 圖10.1 Matrix for Establishing a Competency Agenda 多元事業經營模式 (The Multibusiness Model) Once a decision has been reached to expand across industry boundary, a company confronts the need to rebuild its business model at two levels 決定進入新事業之後, 公司需要建立兩個層面的經營模式 First, it has to develop a business model for each industry in which it competes. For example, the razor and razor blades strategy, such as GE does. (把某一事


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