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湖北省武汉市黄陂区盘龙经济开发区刘店学校June\14\2018 常华茂;the moon;A Chinese old saying(谚语): 无限风光在险峰。; adventure;A story----------The hero.;number the pictures in the story and write down the number of each picture at its up left corner.(数一数故事中的图片的数目,并在每幅图片的左上角标上序号。);Activity 1 :1)Scan the story and find out how many roles there are in it and their names.(浏览故事找出其中有多少个人物,并且找出他们的名字);1.two bank r_______ 2.sh_____ 3.J___ 4.a man with a red string(丝带) around his h____:Friend A 5.S_____ 6._____ other people (four\five) ;2).Look at the title of the story:The hero.Please guess who will be the hero in this story.(看看故事标题,猜测谁会是故事里的英雄。); ;Activity 2:plots(情节):1).Match the main idea with each part.(skimming) part 1(第一部分) Sarah saves(救) Joe and bank robbers picture 1 are caught.(被抓住了) Beginning(开始) part 2 (第二部分) Joe and Sarah go back together. picture 2---8 Development(发展) part 3 (第三部分) Two bank robbers run away. picture 9---14 Climax(高潮) part 4 (第四部分) Joe looks for the two bank robbers. picture 15---18 Ending(结局); 2).Details(细节) of the story.(scanning)查读; part 1(第一部分) picture 1 Beginning (开始) ;Part 2(第二部 分) picture 2---8 Development (发展);1.Do you think the robbers really want to sing a last song? How do you know it?From which picture can you see it?(你认为强盗真的想唱最后一首歌吗?你怎么知道的?从哪幅图片你可以看出?);2.Who is cheated,(受骗)Joe or the robbers?How do you know?(谁受骗了,是Joe还是劫匪?你怎么知道的?) ;We think Joe is _______(clever\stupid),because he is ________(cheat\cheated ) by the two bank robbers.(被两个劫匪欺骗了);Part 3(第三部分) picture 9----14 climax(高潮);Sarah asks the robbers to let(让) her h___ them with the pan______. When the robbers w_____the pancakes, Sarah strikes(击打) their ______(head\heads) with the pans, so they are hurt(受伤). ;3.Do you think Sarah is clever?(你认为Sarah 聪明吗?) Why do you think so? (为什么你这么认为);Part 4 pictu


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