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重要词汇复习;March 25th;1.Youd better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future ________. A. purpose B. reference C. progress D. memory   [解析] B purpose意为“目的,意图”;reference意为“参考,查阅”;progress意为“进步”;memory意为“记忆”。句意“你最好写下那家饭馆的电话号码以供日后查阅” 。;2.A university town is one where there is no clear________ between the university buildings and the rest of the city. A. division B.separation C. reception D. block [解析] B 考查名词词义辨析。句意:大学城就是大学建筑与城市其他部分没有明显分界的地方。division意为“划分,部门”;separation意为“分离,分隔”;reception意为“接受,接待”;block意为“街区,木块”。;3. I blocked all _______ with them for almost a year. A. content   B. contract C. container D. contact [解析] D 考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以将近一年的时间,我断绝了和所有人的联系。content意为“内容,含量”;contract意为“合同,契约”;contrast意为“对比,差别”;contact意为“接触;联系, 交往,密切接近” ;4.Its reported that Steve Jobs passed away on Wednesday Oct. 5, 2011. Whats your ________ of the loss that his death has brought about to Apple? A. association  B. affection C. assessment D. appointment [解析] C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:史蒂夫·乔布斯于2011年10月5日去世,对于他去世给苹果公司带来的损失你看法如何?association “协会,联合”; affection “喜爱,感情”; assessment “评价,评估”; appointment “约会,任命”。;5.The path serves as an ———— to the boat house. A. procedure B. access C. method   D. approach [解析] D procedure步骤,手续;access通道,入口,接近,进入,一般与介词to搭配;method办法,方式;approach接近,临近,途径,方式,方法。;6.Stephen Chase had determined to live up to the ______ of the Company. A. expectations B. distinctions C. contributions D. constructions [解析] A  live up to expectation不辜负期望,??合句意。 distinction 意为“区别,特征,”;contribution贡献; construction建设。;7.Nowadays senior high school students are burdened with too many________, which is making them less and less confident. A. motivations B. expectations C. attractions D. opportunities [解析] B  考查名词词义辨析。句意:如今的高中学


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