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Option Explicit Global Const PI = 3.1415926 绘图模式 Public Enum GEDrawMode edmNormal = 1 edmSelect = 2 edmDelete = 3 End Enum 线型 Public Enum LineStyle vbSolid = 0 vbDash = 1 vbDot = 2 vbDashDot = 3 vbDashDotDot = 4 vbInvisible = 5 vbInsideSolid = 6 End Enum 命令类型 Public Enum GECommandType ecUnknown = 0 ecCreatePoint = 1 ecCreateLine = 2 ecCreatePolyLine = 3 ecCreateCircle = 4 ecCreateArc = 5 ecCreateText = 6 ecSelOnebyOne = 11 ecSelLines = 12 ecSelPolylines = 13 ecSelCircles = 14 ecSelArcs = 15 ecSelTexts = 16 ecSelAll = 17 ecSelNone = 18 ecMove = 21 ecRotate = 22 ecMirror = 23 ecviewzoomin = 31 ecViewZoomOut = 32 ecViewLocalZoomOut = 33 ecViewPan = 34 ecViewExtent = 35 End Enum Public Type POINTAPI x As Long y As Long End Type Public Type rect Left As Long Top As Long Right As Long Bottom As Long End Type Public sLeft As Double Public sTopic As Double Public sRight As Double Public sBottom As Double Public Scal As Double Public ptLineBegin As New Position Public ptLineEnd As New Position Public ptPLPoints(1 To 100, 1 To 100) As New Position Public PLPoints(1 To 100, 1 To 100) As New Position Public intPLPointNum As Integer Public ptCircleCenter As New Position Public ptCircleR As New Position Public ptArcCenter As New Position Public ptArcBegin As New Position Public ptArcEnd As New Position Public Command As GECommandType Public GElements As New CGElements Public lines As New CLines Public polylines As New CPolylines Public circles As New CCircles Public arcs As New CArcs Public texts As New CTexts Public SelLines As New CLineSel Public SelPLines As New CPLineSel Public SelCircles As New CCircleSel Public SelArcs As New CArcSel Public SelTexts As New CTexts Public intmStep As Integer Public PickRadius As Double Public bolMirror As Boolean Public intArcMirrorNum As Integer Public ptBasePos As New Position


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