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摘 要 解决攀钢热轧板厂三期技改工程(立辊轧机宽度自动控制系统(AWC))改造后,需对现有的立辊轧机机架进行扩孔,以便安装长行程伺服油缸。立辊轧机机架扩孔如果送入设备制造厂进行加工,质量保证可靠,但机架还原难于保证安装质量、精度。为了降低技改工程费用,决定在立辊轧机现场对机架进行扩孔加工。经过潜心研究,结合现场实际情况设计专用扩孔设备——专用镗床。再结合专用设备的扩孔工艺,提出了切实可行的解决方案,该方案具有经济、实用、可行等特点。 设计的特色:解决了现场安装及镗杆的刚度问题;满足了扩较大孔的要求;此专用设备镗刀系统采用卧式镗床的平旋盘结构,可方便调整刀具切削深度;导轨采用组合式导轨,使运动平稳,安装便捷;支撑采用组合机床型式支撑,便于拆卸安装,可大大提高生产率。 关键词 专用设备,专用镗床,加工效率,工艺实验 Abstract This is useful for Pan gang resolve Hot MILL three technical transformation projects (up roller mill width Control System (AWC)). After the transformation,It needs to bore the existing legislation for roller mill housing bore for the installation of a long journey servo tank. If Legislative roll mill housing bore sent to factories to bore, the quality is assurance and reliable, but it fixed back ,it can’t assure installation quality and accuracy. To reduce the technological transformation project costs, the legislature decided to roll mill site for reaming rack processing. After painstaking research, combining with the actual prombles work out special equipment bore -- special boring machine. In the light of the special equipment reaming technology, a practical solution. The program is economic, practical, possible features. Characteristic of this design: Has solved the prombles such as installment and the boringrod rigidity; Satisfied expanded compares the pocket therequest; This special purpose equipment boring cutter system uses the horizontal boring machine the Pingxuan plate structure, may facilitate the adjustment cutting tool depth of cut; The guide rail uses the combined type guide rail, causes the movement steadily, the installment is convenient; The strut uses the aggregate machine-tool pattern strut, is advantageous for the disassemblage installment, may greatly enhance the productivity. Key words Special Equipment, Special boring machine, Processing efficiency, Technology Experiment 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 1 绪 论 1 1.1 设计目的和意义 1 1.2 扩孔技术要求 1 1.3 应解决的问题 1 1.4 设计项目的发展情况 2 1.5设计原理 2 2 总



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