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毕业设计(论文) 题目 系 别 土木工程学院 专 业 建筑电气 班 级 建电11 姓 名 学 号 指导教师(职称) 日 期 摘要 普通建筑设计中,电气设计占有相当重要的位置,一栋好的高层建筑必须有与其建筑造型相适应的电气设计,才能表达建筑设计者的完整构思,才能显示出建筑物的完美,良好的电气设计也是门艺术。本设计为普通建筑电气系统设计。 强电部分的设计主要完成照度的计算、灯具选择、设备安装、建筑供电方式选择、导线的选择、配电开关选择、建筑物防雷及接地系统设计、建筑物综合布线设计,完成了电气安装工程预算的编制。该建筑物的照明负荷为三级,防雷等级为第三类防雷。考虑到建筑物的实际情况,在设计中我们对照明灯具数量的确定采用了利用系数法来计算,对供配电的选择,考虑到其可靠性以及方便性,采用树干式供电方式,而接地方式则采用TN-S接地形式。从而在整体上达到了设计的可靠、实用、经济、以及安全性的基本要求。 弱电部分的设计主要是网络设计、电话设计、门禁设计,采取标准化的统一材料、统一设计、统一布线、统一安装施工做到结构清晰,使用方便,便于集中管理和维护。 关键词:供配电系统 , 照明系统, 弱电系统 , 建筑物防雷系统,弱电系统 Abstract This design for the common building electrical design, design of main finish illumination calculation, building lamps and lanterns chooses, building equipment installation, power supply system and conductor selection, building lightning protection and grounding system design, as well as to the construction equipment installation budget. The buildings lighting load for level 3, lightning protection level for the third type of lightning protection. Considering the actual situation of the building, in the design of our lighting lamps and lanterns to determine the number of the utilization coefficient method to calculate, the choice of power supply, considering its reliability and convenience, the trunk type power supply mode, and lightning protection, the use of the TN - S ground form. In order to achieves the overall design, the use of reliable, economic, and security of the basic requirements. This comprehensive building electrical design graduation project, the aim is to design practice through the integrated use of the knowledge, theory with practice, exercise independent analysis and problem solving ability of electrical design for the future and lay a solid foundation Key words: supply and distribution systems、lighting systems、weak systems,building 、lightning protection. . 目录 第一章 前言 5 1.1 建筑电气概况



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