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摘要西安市西南郊地区的工业生产废水和居民生活污水其混合比例为7:3,其废水水质的主要特点是含有大量的有机物,属高浓度有机废水,故其生化需氧量也较大。该混合废水的处理厂的处理水量为15万,原混合废水中各项指标为:BOD浓度为180,COD浓度为400,SS浓度为255,氨氮浓度为32。经分析知该处理水质属易生物降解,且需要二级出水经深度处理,可采用生物处理使水达到工业回用水标准,以缓解城市供水矛盾。故本设计工艺流程为:污水 → 粗格栅 → 集水井及提升泵房 → 细格栅 → 曝气沉砂池 →选择池 →氧化沟 → 二沉池 → 接触消毒池 → 出水整个工艺具有总投资小、处理效果好、工艺简单、易于管理、运行稳定、能耗小等优点。处理后的回用水可达到国家二级排放标准经深度处理后的水质如下,即:浓度≤20,浓度≤100,浓度≤20,氨氮浓度≤15。关键字:工业废水,污水处理厂,氧化沟,生活污水ABSTRACTXiancity southwest suburbs area of the industrial wastewater and urban sewage and its mixing ratio of 7:3, the wastewater is characterized by containing large amounts of organic matter, high concentration organic wastewater, therefore its biochemical oxygen demand is large. The mixed wastewater treatment plant processing quantity is 150000,, the original mixing wastewater indicators: the concentration of BOD is 180, the concentration of COD is 400,theconcentration of SS is 255, the concentration of ammonia nitrogen is 32.Through the analysis of the processing quality is easily biodegradable, and requires two stage effluent treatment using biological treatment, the water to reach the industrial reuse standard, to alleviate the contradiction of city water supply. The technological process of this design is:Sewage→Thick grille→Set well and lift pump house→Fine grille→Aeration sink sand pool→Anaerobic pond→Oxidation ditch→Two sink the pond→Contact oxidation pond→Effluent water The whole process has small total investment, good treatment effect, simple process, easy control, stable operation, low energy consumption. Treated wastewater can be reused to two national emission standards after advanced treatment can reach the standard, That is the concentration of BOD is less than 20, the concentration of COD less than 100, the concentration of SS is less than 20, ammonia concentration is less than 15.KEYWORDS :organic wastewater, sewage treatment plant, oxidation ditch, process design前言水是一种宝贵的自然资源,是自然界的基本要素,也是人类和一切生物赖以生存的物质基础。没有水就没有生命。水还是人类环境的重要组成部分。虽然地球上水的储量很大,但是,人类能直接取用的河、湖淡水资源却


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