
汉英笔译基础教程 翻译的技巧及真题.ppt

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汉英笔译基础教程 翻译的技巧及真题

LOGO 汉英笔译基础教程 Basics of Chinese to English Translation 附录 上海翻译资格证书考试真题解析 II CATTI汉译英方法 III 专八翻译技巧及真题 I 专八翻译技巧 (一)迅速正确地确定英译的主语 根据句中逻辑关系和行文需要,突出相关信息,综合考虑主语的确立。 例:……,的确不在题材大小。 subject matter is indeed not the decisive factor (by which) 朋友之间,情趣相投、脾气对味则合、则交,反之,则离、则绝。 For the relationship between friends, similar habits and tempers help to make it closer; on the other hand, opposite ones leave distance from each other. 逻辑关系应该是情趣、脾气使朋友关系更合,译为主语,而非“朋友” 做主语。 专八翻译技巧 (二)谓语最小化原则 1.使用介词短语 例:用什么样的姿态迎接充满希望的新世纪 in what way the young generation should embrace the forthcoming new century replete with hopes (is …… 2.使用不定式短语 例:看了不少地方,访了旧友,交了新知 (……has enabled us) to see many places, to visit old friends while making new acquaintances. 专八翻译技巧 3.使用形容词表动词含义 例:所以人们对于大自然,全都一直并深深地依赖着。 and therefore all men are strongly attached to her. 专八翻译技巧 (三)分析句子之间的逻辑关系 例:人是很有趣的,往往在接触一个人时首先看到的都是他或她的优 点。 Human beings are interesting in that they tend to first see good in a new acquaintance. (因果关系) 愈吃愈趋于冷静,吃完了这顿筵席,缺点就都找出来了。 However, the more you have, the more sober you become until the dinner ends up with all the flaws exposed. 用事物做主语比用人做主语更客观,应根据逻辑增补适当单词。 专八翻译技巧 (四)倒装 例:……很困难 Difficult as it is to…… 每个人都无比关注自己及至亲至爱之人心脏的健损,以至于稍有微疾 便惶惶不可终 日。 So great is the importance that everyone attaches to the physical condition of his own heart or those of his closest and dearest ones that merely a minor disease would enduringly weigh on his mind. 注意英文表达习惯中的句子结构倒装。 专八翻译技巧 (五)名词词组与分句互译 5W1H的疑问词基本上都有可能转化为名词,如when(时间)、 where(地点)、what(事物)、Who(人选)、why(原因)。 例:改变人们对“重要”和“不重要”的看法。 by changing people’s opinions on what is “important” and what is not. 使温哥华成为亚洲以外最大的中国人聚居地。 rendering Vancouver the largest area outside Asia where the Chinese inhabit. 专八翻译技巧 (六)汉语多词归一,英语避免重复 例:英年早逝 untimely death summer death 专八翻译技巧 (七)主动与被动 汉语被动句很少,而英语中被动句表现更客观,


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