ORACLE –JERI DB Genera.ppt

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ORACLE –JERI DB Generation April 27, 2004 Coles Sibley Jeff Patton Overview MPS Configuration Control Mode Mask Files Mode Mask Defaults Db Files .substitution files Startup scripts Power Supply Apps (design flow) MS Excel (BNL,LANL,LBNL- SNS) -.substitutions - RDB EPICS -txt (archiver) -RDB Csv -Splinefilt-RDB *.txt -RDB Plans Oracle – IOC Application Setup (From MPS but could be any application) Setup Utility adds or modifies applications to an IOC (Data can be initially populated by crawling cdCommands) Adds directory paths to required file(s) Each IOC application (i.e. VxStats) has a similar setup window. HW init calls SW Init routines Post IOC init Oracle – Hardware setup Application setup adds hardware, db applications, sequencers, etc. For example VME board / PCI card info Hardware address Interrupt vector Hardware version Serial number etc. Custom setup for each type of hardware MPS – Hardware jumpers PMC cards Use Heartbeat? Oracle – Channel Setup Creates “.substitutions” file. Each channel gets instantiated with the template file(s) previously shown. ADEL, MDEL, SMOO come from manufactures hardware specs and physics requirements MPS shown below (Software mask jumpers, Mode Masks, etc.) Configuration Control and reporting) Data comes from a number of Oracle Tables Need an easy way to get data from RDB table(s) to .substitutions file MPS Summary MPS Configuration control reporting MPS Exported files Data Flow into EPICS RDB Power Supply Application PS / Magnet data from RDB Power Supply Calibration (from EPICS) PSC / PSI calibration history Power supply limits from manufacturer (RDB) Operational Limits (Ops, magnets, cables, heat waves, etc) Magnet mapping files Magnet cycling profiles SCORE – PS save / restore Magnetic field set points from accelerator physics model (or golden tune, or last weeks tune, etc) Alarm limits MPS trip levels Problems – Future Plans Problems using an RDB Controls Group Acceptance (We d


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