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硕士专业学位论文 论文题目 王世贞书画鉴藏与交游研究 研究生姓名 朱彦霖 毛秋瑾 指导教师姓名 专业名称 研究方向 论文提交日期 艺术学 艺术史论 2014年 3月 2 王世贞书画鉴藏与交游研究 中文摘要 王世贞书画鉴藏与交游研究 中文摘要 王世贞是明代复古文坛“后七子”的领袖,同时,也是明代中晚期一位富裕的文 人官员兼鉴藏家。曲折的仕宦生涯和个人经历,使得王世贞逐渐寄情于艺事,把大量 时间花在书画鉴藏活动上。特别是在家乡闲居的岁月里,王世贞与吴门地区的文人们 频繁地展开书画鉴藏活动。王世贞的书画鉴藏与他广泛的交游密不可分,因其具有多 重社会身份,地位声望卓著,社会交往面非常广泛,众多的文士、书画家、鉴藏家们 经常参与到王世贞的书画收藏与品鉴活动之中,其时的王世贞正逐步成为这样一个文 化艺术圈的中心人物。王世贞收藏的许多书画作品,正是其交游活动的产物,在大量 的园林宴饮、文酒雅会,接待送行和访胜纪游等活动中,王世贞交游圈的朋友们为其 创作了不少书画作品。王世贞书画鉴藏与交游得以展开的场合与环境,活动的内容与 方式,以及王世贞的审美趣好,可以从这些作品中得到反映。同时,王世贞的书画鉴 藏与交游产生了一些影响,主要体现在对作品题材的影响,对吴门书派理论的影响和 对画家风格的评介,以及对审美旨趣的影响上。 关键词:王世贞书画鉴藏交游 作 者:朱彦霖 指导教师:毛秋瑾 I Abstract Wang Shizhen’s studied painting and collectors and make friends Wang Shizhen’s studied painting and collectors and make friends Abstract Wang Shizhen is the leader of the Ming dynasty ancient literary After Seven,and also a wealthy middle and late Ming officials and scholars and collectors. Complex and tortuous personal experience makes Shizhen Wang increasingly focussed on the arts matter, the amount of time spent on the painting collection and tasting. Shizhens painting collection and tastings are inseparable with his extensive circle of friends. Because of its multiple social identity, status prestige remarkable, the area of his social communication is very broad. Many of the scribes, painter, and collectors often participate in activities of Wang Shizhen painting appreciation. Shizhen Wang is at the center of such a cultural and artistic circles. many Shizhen’s collection of paintings and calligraphy,is the product of his activities of his making friends. In a large garden feast, Aristo text, receptions and visits farewell tour and other activities discipline wins,his friends created many paintings and calligraphy works. Meanwhile, Shizhen’s another aesthetic had an impact on these creative activities.Meanwhile, Wang Shizhen’s identification and collection of painting and maki


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