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全国职业院校技能大赛中职组酒店服务赛项 客房中式铺床项目英语口试参考题库 Part one 句子: 中译英: 欢迎光临我们酒店。Welcome to our hotel. 先生,请让我为您介绍一下房间设施。Let me introduce the room to you, sir. 在房间上网是免费的。We offer free internet service in the room. 先生,这是您的房间钥匙。Here is your room card, sir. 祝您在我们饭店过得愉快。I hope you will enjoy your stay in our hotel. 对不起,请问有没有要洗的衣服?Excuse me, do you have any laundry? 我们随时为您服务。We are always at your service. 请问1628号房间在哪?Excuse me, where is Room 1628, please? 请问您的衣服要怎么洗?How would you like your laundry cleaned? 请问您房号是多少?May I have your room number, please? 我带您去您的房间。I will show you to your room. 房间里有小冰箱。There is a mini-bar in the room. 我现在可以打扫您的房间吗?May I make up/clean your room now? 酒店为客人提供免费的擦鞋服务。The hotel provides free shoe shining service for the guests. 抱歉,单人间已经全部订满了。I’m sorry, our single rooms are fully booked. 离开房间时请记得带钥匙。Please take the key card with you when you leave the room. 对不起,现在不行,我这儿有个客人。Sorry, not now. I have a guest here. 先生,您什么时候比较方便?What time would be convenient, sir? 您希望我什么时候过来打扫房间?When would you like me to clean your room? 这件毛衣要用冷水手洗。I’d like this sweater washed by hand in cold water. 你替我要辆出租车好吗?Could you get a taxi for me, please? 您希望什么时候把衣服给您送回来?When would you like your laundry back? 请让我看一下您的住房卡好吗?Could you show me your room card, please? 我来取您要洗的衣服。I’m here to collect your laundry. 我可以借用一下走廊里放着的那张床吗?Can I use the bed in the corridor? 我想多要床毛毯和只枕头可以吗?Can I have one more blanket and two more pillows? 我来帮您拿行李吧。Let me help you with your luggage. / baggage. 卫生间的香皂用完了,请再给我添一块新的,好吗?The soap in the toilet has been used up. Will you please give me a new one? 很抱歉让您久等了。Sorry to have kept you waiting. 这是2139房间。请送一个电熨斗。This is R oom 2139. Can you send me an iron, please? 您一共有几件行李?How many pieces of luggage/baggage do you have? 请您填写洗衣单,好吗?Could you fill in/out the laundry form, please? 对不起,都快了,我的房间还没打扫。Excuse me, it’s almost noon. My room hasn’t been made up/clean yet.) 请问您喜欢什么样的房间?What kind of room would you like/prefer? 水龙头整晚都在漏水。The tap is leaking all night long. 3206房间的电视机坏了,请派人


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