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保護Exchange 2007 免於垃圾郵件與病毒 Microsft Corporation
* * ? 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. * * Anti-Virus Exchange 2007 Anti-Virus Support Forefront Server Security for Exchange Available in the Enterprise CAL Exchange 2007與防毒軟體的整合 使用與Exchange 2003一樣的 VSAPI 使用 Transport Agent 來過濾掃描信件以減少惡意程式在進入企業前的散播 使用防毒戳記(Antivirus stamping)來減少信件穿越企業環境時被掃描的次數 Forefront Security for Exchange 之前名稱為 Antigen for Exchange Forefront Security for Exchange只支援Ex2007 Exchange 2000/2003由原本 Antigen for Exchange 9.0支援 Forefront授權包含可以降級使用 Antigen的權利 提供11國語系,Log依然為英文 支援Edge/Hub與Mailbox/Public 安裝時會自動偵測Exchange角色(64 bit相容) 不同角色使用不同的Agent 最多50個SG與Store Forefront Security for Exchange 多重防毒引擎 九個防毒引擎 一次最多可同時選五個 調校設定與掃描動作幾乎與Antigen一樣 提供檔案過濾 提供關鍵字過濾(Transport only) 提供主旨與寄件者網域過濾(Store only) 提供通知與隔離 1/26 Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange Server 安裝與部署 Antivirus Stamping 全新邏輯掃描來減少重覆掃描 第一次被 Edge/Hub 掃描時寫入安全的防毒戳記 傳送到 Store 時,戳記會被加入 MAPI 屬性中 X-header protected by the Header Firewall 防毒軟體廠商會寫入他們的掃描戳記以決定後續是否再執行掃描 Example: X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AVStamp-Mailbox: VSKing;5;0;info VSKing: AV vendor name ?(8 characters) 5: Vendor version ?(32-bit unsigned integer) 0 (VIRSCAN_NO_VIRUS): Virus status (32-bit unsigned integer) Info: Optional Virus info (128 byte string) 講題總結 Exchange Server 2007 提供隨手可用且強固的垃圾郵件保護 在Edge Transport Server提供豐富而強的安全基礎來處理訊息的衛生保健過濾 在傳輸掃描與VSAPI的加強將減輕整體有關防毒掃描的負擔與需求,並減輕 Store 的掃描
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