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商务英语综合教程Unit 3 IMF at a Glnce
Notes 特别提款权是基金组织于1969年创造的国际储备资产,引入这一资产的原因是,基金组织的成员国担心,国际储备的现有存量和潜在增长可能不足以支持世界贸易的扩大,当时主要的储备资产是黄金和美元。成员国不希望全球储备依赖于黄金的生产(因为它具有内在不确定性)和美国国际收支的持续逆差(以保证美元储备不断增长)。特别提款权作为补充储备资产而出现。需要时,基金组织可以定期“分配”特别提款权;必要时可以提取。特别提款权的价值每日确定,使用四种主要货币组成的货币篮子:欧元,日元,英镑和美元。2001年8月1日,1特别提款权=1.26美元。 3. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD or World Bank) Notes World Bank, by which name the international Bank for Reconstruction and Development is popularly known, came into being in 1944 as a specialized agency of the United Nations. Its central activity consists in making loans to less developed member countries. The funds used by the bank are raised largely through bond issues in private capital markets. No loans can be made unless there is reasonable assurance that the borrower can repay and meet service charges. Also the funds must be used for specific approved projects. Notes Thus, the World Bank is guided by banking criteria and countries not meeting these do not have access to its facilities. To help overcome these limitations the International Development Association(国际开发协会) was formed to provide soft loans to less developed countries (terms more favorable than World Bank and with longer periods).The International Finance Corporation(国际金融公司),which together with the bank and IDA form the World Bank Group, was formed to further economic development in less developed member countries by investing directly in private enterprises in association with private investors. 4. The Funds legal authority is based on an international treaty called the Articles of Agreement (Articles or the Agreement) which came into force in December 1945. Notes “come into force” refers to (cause a law, rule, etc. to ) become effective or come into operation. e.g. When do the new safety rules come into force? 5. The stand-by arrangements Notes 备用安排, 是基金组织贷款政策的核心。备用安排向成员国确保它能够提取一定数额以内的资金,通常是在12-
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