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代词的分类;;;考点一 人称代词;Mr Brown teaches____ history this year. A. We B. us C. ours;4.The teacher wanted ________to do the work. A.Jim, you and I B.I, Jim and you C.you, Jim and me D.Jim, me and you 5.The teacher wanted ________to do the work. A, we, you,and they B , you, we and they C, us ,you and them 6,Who broke the window? A,Tom and I B I and Tom;根据汉语填空:;1在“拍、打、拉某人身体的某部分”的句型中,虽译文有“我的”、“你的”之意,但英语中都不用物主代词,而要用。 hit sb in ____ face,hit sb on _____nose/head take sb bythe hand,catch sb by the arm, 2.名词性物主代词与of连用可构成名词所有格。 例如: 我的一个朋友 a friend of _____ One of _____friends ;物主代词用法总结; 数 人称;1反身代词有以下常见搭配: enjoy oneself, help oneself to, see sth. oneself‘、 teach oneself, learn … by oneself, by oneself, lose oneself in , dress oneself, hurt oneself, say to oneself ... ...;1在句子中作主语或宾语的同位语,用来加强语气,表示“亲自,本人”,一般置于被说明的词之后;作主语的同位语时,还可放在句末。 Lucy herself told me the news. 露西亲自告诉我这个消息。 Youd better ask the teacher yourself. 你最好亲自问问老师。;考点四.指示代词;一.用适当词填空。 1 _______ is my book , and ______ is your book.  2______ are my books , and ____ are your books. 3Please remember _____ ;No pains , no gains. 4 He was ill. _____ was why he didn’t go to school 5--- Who’s____ ? --- ___ is Mike speaking .;指示代词用法总结;it用法总结;one it that;one it that;考点五不定代词;一. 用some 、any和no 填空; some any no ;这些词都是表示数量的代词,用法如下: 1 _____ words are best. 少说话最好。 2 Shall I go ______ way with you? 我要不要陪你走一段路? 3 _____ hands make light work. 人多好办事。 4 There are few mistakes I make ,___ ___?;用many 和much填空;Although all the girls have tried their best , only ___ pass the exam. A. few B. a few C. a little 2. Don’t worry .There is ____ time left . A. little B. a little C. few 3. You are so great! ____ people in the school can do it . A. A little B. Little C. Few;总结 many/much a few/a little 的用法; few / a few little / a little ;五、each every;_____of the boys has a book. _______ student has an


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