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归纳拓展 hesitate about / over nothing 对任何事都不犹豫 hesitate to do sth. hesitate about doing sth. hesitate后常接不定式作宾语,如果接 v.-ing形式作宾语,常用hesitate about doing sth.。 注意 做事犹豫 hesitation n. 踌躇,支吾其词 without hesitation毫不犹豫地 have no hesitation in doing sth.毫不犹豫地做某事 活学活用 I hesitate _______ you, but will you recommend me for the post? A. ask B. asked C. asking D. to ask 解析 hesitate to do / about doing sth. 犹豫做某事。 D 归纳拓展 access后面常用介词to have / gain / get / obtain access to 得以接近; 得以会见; 得以进入; 得以使用 give access to 接见; 准许出入 accessible adj.可到达的;可进入的 be accessible to sth. 已接近……;可进入…… 活学活用 She was chosen to be the first secretary of the state government and now has regular and immediate _____ to the president. A. control B. opportunity C. access D. effect 解析 access to the president接近/靠近总统。 C 我们国家一部分地区的学生没有机会接触电脑。 (access )  Students in some parts of our country have no access to computers. via prep. 经由,通过 This flight is routed to Chicago via New York. I can send him a note via the internal mail system. Berners Lee built his first computer while he was at university using an old television! 读大学时,贝尔纳斯·李利用一台旧电视机制成了他的第一台电脑! 考查v.-ing短语作方式状语 但是后来,人们利用石块发展了印刷术。 考点提炼 句子仿造 But later, people developed a way of printing, using rocks. He came up with the idea of the World Wide Web in 1989 while he was working in Switzerland. come up with 追上,赶上;(口语)想出;找出(答案、方法等) The water came up to his waist. The seeds haven’t come up yet. 归纳拓展 come up (种子)发芽;发生 come about 发生;产生 come across (偶然)发现;遇见 come up to 及得上,不亚于;达到 come back 回来 come round 前来; 过访; 绕道而来; 苏醒 come through (消息,结果等)传来 come under 被(某物)控制 / 统治/影响;归入 活学活用 —Have you _____ some new ideas? —Yeah. I’ll tell you later. A. come about B. come into C. come up with D. come out with 解析: come about发生;come into进入,得到;come up with想出;come out with发表,公布,说出。句意为:你想出新的主意了吗? 是的,我过会儿告诉你。 C — It’s said that scientists have ______ a way to deal with Influenza A/H1N(甲型H1N1流感). — Really? That’


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