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Nowadays, love is not a new thing, and it Love can be viewed as a world-wide market, as product markets, there is a demand side also supply side. Because in love when you guys more active, so we can put the boys as demand side, the girls as the supply side. 当总需求=总供给的时候,恋爱市场到平衡,资源实现最优配置。就是理想中的“人人有老婆,人人有老公啦”。但是事实不是如此,总有没老婆的“光棍”和没老公的“姑娘”。但是恋爱这个市场永远也达不到供求平衡。 根据我们的分析呢恋爱的成本主要有: 1.寻觅成本。2机会成本。3.显性成本 4.隐形成本 5.沉没成本 1寻觅成本(Search costs) In fact, fall in love in college, find the cost is relatively low. We do not rule out the cost of almost zero, such as those at first sight. But my personal point of view, this probability is very low, because the feelings of most people is nurtured. 2机会成本(opportunity cost) I believe we all know, the opportunity cost that is something you give up to get the benefits. For example, you fall in love with a period of time, you wont be able to learn knowledge or make money. At the same time on a fall in love again and after a single time, lose a lot of freedom 3隐性成本 恋爱中的男女生享受到的都是一样的,比如说 互相关心,一起出去吃饭等。但花费大多是男生出 ,同样作为恋爱的主体之一,男生也是需要被关 爱的,需要得到精心策划的惊喜,但由于你是追 求别人,处在主动的地位,你就失去了这些,这 不能不说是一笔巨大的隐性成本! Loving boys and girls enjoy the same , such as caring, go out to dinner, etc. But spent most of the boys out . The same as one of the main body of love, the boys also needs to be closed Love , need to be carefully planned surprise ,but since you are chasing. For others, at the initiative of the position, you will lose these, this Say that it is a huge hidden costs! If you want to pursue a girl, first you have to ask her to dinner with her shopping, movies and so on. At the same time, you have to give gifts to her. 显性成本 4 根据我们的分析,男生在一次约会中所付出的成本又可分为: 1时间成本 2精力成本(男生要尽全力展现出自己优秀一面,能言善谈,幽默等)3金钱成本(送女朋友礼物) 5沉没成本 Once we fell in love with sb , Then we must input our energy, money and Materials , If you find that your choice is wrong, it will makes the previous input worthless , This is the


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