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案例分享5 如何克服恐艾症   并不是所有的艾滋病恐惧症都可以简单的归到某一类,很多患者是多种表现同时存在,所以需要接受综合的心理治疗。   对于艾滋病恐惧症心理治疗是必须的,但很多患者早期一般不会想到接受心理治疗,很多人认为这不是心理疾病,自己的担心是完全正常的,尤其是那些有过高危行为的人。只有到多次检查之后,仍不能摆脱自己的担心和痛苦之后才会想到求助于心理医生。 案例分享5 药物治疗 度洛西酊+奥氮平 * * Key Points: The diagnostic criteria for a Major Depressive Episode (MDE) include both emotional and physical symptoms. Patients may present with emotional and physical symptoms or predominantly physical symptoms. In addition, the DSM-IV-TR describes features and disorders associated with an MDE as follows: “Individuals with a Major Depressive Episode frequently present with tearfulness, irritability, brooding, obsessive rumination, anxiety, phobias, excessive worry over physical health, and complaints of pain (e.g., headaches or joint, abdominal, or other pains). Some individuals note difficulty in intimate relationships, less satisfying social interactions, or difficulties in sexual functioning. There may be marital problems, occupational problems, academic problems, alcohol or other substance abuse problems, or increased utilization of medical services. The most serious consequence of a Major Depressive Episode is attempted or completed suicide.” Background: According to the DSM-IV-TR, the essential features of a Major Depressive Episode is a period of at least 2 weeks during which there is depressed mood and/or the loss of interest or pleasure in nearly all activities. The individual must also experience at least three to four additional symptoms (for a total of 5 symptoms) drawn from a list that includes changes in appetite or weight, sleep, and psychomotor activity; decreased energy; feelings of worthlessness or guilt; difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions; or recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation, plans, or attempts. To count toward a Major Depressive Episode, a symptom must either be newly present or must have clearly worsened compared with the person’s pre-episode status. The symptoms must persist for most of the



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