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建筑给水排水工程课程设计 说明书 题 目:周口市紫金小区给排水设计 学 院:市政与环境工程学院 专 业:给水排水工程 完成时间:2013年6月14日 前言 本次设计的目的是充分利用所学的现有知识,完成高层建筑给水排水的设计。此次设计基本上实现了从理论知识向实际工程设计的转变,充分的把理论知识应用到实际的工程当中,并对设计方案、内容加以有针对性地、有说服力地论证,从而实现设计工程的可行性。 本次设计在选题的过程中,考虑到地区性、建筑性质,选用高层建筑,进行建筑给排水工程的设计,满足人们的生活需要,并且使人们得到舒适、便利的生活环境。所涉及的大体内容是:建筑给水工程、排水工程,设计的意义在于在满足人们生活用水。设计的依据为相关书籍和设计手册、规范。在设计中,大都按照常规方法,严格依据设计规范来进行,建筑给水排水系统及卫生设备要相对完善。在计算过程中,尽量使用符合经济流速的管径,以便降低成本,同时要考虑水的漏失、压力情况来选择管材和一些连接管件,以便在水从市政管网输送到建筑内用户的过程中,水的漏失量最小,节约水资源。 Preface This is designed to take full advantage of existing knowledge learned, to complete the design of high-rise building water supply and drainage. The design is basically achieved from theoretical knowledge to practical engineering design changes, adequate theoretical knowledge to practical engineering which, and the design, content to be targeted, there is persuasively argued, in order to achieve the design feasibility of the project. The design process of the topic, taking into account regional, architectural nature, the choice of high-rise buildings for water supply and drainage engineering design, to meet peoples needs, and to make people get comfortable and convenient living environment. Generally involved are: building water supply works and drainage works, design the significance of water to meet the peoples lives. The design basis for the design of books and manuals, specifications. In the design, mostly according to conventional methods, to carry out strictly in accordance with design specifications, building water supply and drainage systems and sanitary equipment to be relatively . try to use the diameter of the flow rate in line with economic order reduce costs, taking into account the water loss, stress scenarios to choose a coffin and some connecting pipe so that water from the municipal pipe network transported to the building users in the process, minimize the amount of


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