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人教版PEP六年级英语下册知识点整理第一单元一、写出下列单词的比较级Young_younger_更年轻的?old older更年长的?tall taller更高的short shorter更矮的long longer更长的?thin thinner更瘦的heavy heavier 更重的?big bigger更大的?small samller更小的?strong stronger更强壮的二、翻译句子1.?That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. 那是这个厅里最高的恐龙。2.?You are older than me. 你比我大。3.?How tall are you? 你有多高?I’m 1.65metres. 我身高1.65米。4. What size are your shoes? 你穿多大号的鞋。5.?I wear size 37 shoes. 我穿37号的鞋。6.?Your feet are bigger than mine. 你的脚比我的大。7.?How heavy are you? 你有多重?8. I’m 48 kilograms. 我体重48公斤。9. I’m heavier than you. 我比你重10.It’s taller than both of us together. 它比我俩加起来还高。第二单元一、写出下列单词的过去式Clean cleaned打扫stay stayed停留wash washed?洗?watch watched看?have had a cold患感冒sleep slept 睡觉read read 读?see saw 看见二、翻译单词和短语(动词用过去式)last weekend上个周末yesterday?昨天the day before yesterday前天cleaned my room打扫我的房间washed my clothes洗衣服stayed at home?呆在家里watched TV看电视went boating去划船read a book/ read books读书?saw a film看电影had a cold感冒climbed mountains爬山?cooked dinner做饭cooked noodles做面条三、翻译句子1.?How was your weekend? 你周末过得怎么样?It was fine/OK/good, thanks.还不错,谢谢!2. What did you do last weekend? 你上个周末干了什么?? I stayed at home with your grandma.我和你奶奶待在家里。3.??Did you do anything else? 你还做了其他什么事吗??I cleaned my room and washed my clothes. 我昨天扫了房间,还洗了衣服。4. ?I want to buy the new film magazine. 我想买期新的电影杂志。5. Did you see a film? 你看电影了吗?? No, I had a cold. 没有,我感冒了。6. I stayed at home and read a book. 我昨天在家里看书。第三单元一、翻译单词和词组(动词用过去式)骑马rode a horse ?受伤hurt ?拍照 took photos 去野营went camping去钓鱼went fishing ?买礼物bought gifts 骑自行车rode a bike我的脚受伤hurt my foot 吃新鲜食物ate fresh food远离far from看起来像look like三、翻译句子1. What’s wrong? / What happened? / What’s the matter? 怎么了?2. Are you OK? 你还好吧?I’m OK now.我现在沒事了。3. Where did you go yesterday? 昨天你去哪儿了?I went to a park. 我去公园了。4. It looks like a mule .它看起来像头骡子。5. How did you go there?你们怎么去的?6. We went there by plane. 我们坐飞机去。7. That sounds good. 听上去不错。第四单元一、?翻译单词dining hall饭厅grass草坪gym体育馆before?以前二、短语went cycling/ rode a bike去骑自行车five years ago五年前three months ago三个月前last yea


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