
口译 技巧3-3欧亚合作.ppt

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口译 技巧3-3欧亚合作

3-3 欧亚合作 Euro-Asian Cooperation European Union 欧盟 Hereby 在此 Equal partnership 平等的伙伴关系 Witness a rapid rise to prosperity 迅速成长繁荣 Robust economic region 最有活力的经济区域 Alliance 结盟 Trade bloc 贸易集团 Gross domestic product 国内生产总值 Foreign trade volume 外贸总额 Tariff 关税 Fishery 渔业 Monetary union 货币联盟 Political and economic integration 政治和经济一体化 Market share 市场占有率 A far cry from meeting demands 远远不能满足需要 Comparatively speaking 相对而言 Resolve differences 消除分歧 Enhance 增强 In the interest of 从 … 人民的利益出发 Thereby 因此,从而 国民经济 National Economy 社会总产值 total product of society 国民生产总值 GNP (Gross National Product) 国内生产总值 GDP (Gross Domestic Product) 人均国内生产总值 GDP per capita 工农业总产值 gross output value of industry and agriculture 国民收入 national income 计划经济 planned economy 市场经济 market economy 外向型经济 export-oriented economy 投资环境 investment environment 基础设施 infrastructure 招商 attract investment 招商项目project proposals for investment 同国际惯例接轨 follow the international codes of practice; bring … in line with the international usage 加大改革力度 intensify reforms 一条龙服务 one package service 一支笔审批 one-chop approval 我们两国的经济互补性很强。To a great extent, the economies between our two countries are complementary to each other. * *


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