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“独立生活”运动 随着残障人消费者运动的发展,希望能够自主地生活并自主地决定自己的生活方式、医疗照顾和社会关系的愿望已经在越来越多强烈。Most fundamental to today’s independent living philosophy is the idea that consumers have control over the choices and options of goods and services available to them.? 独立生活运动改变了人们对残障的看法。残障并不存在于个体身上,相反,只是社会没有能够容纳身心受损的个体时,才形成残障。 因而,社会有责任为了最大限度地实现个体的能力而提供必需的“容纳”,社会必须做出调整以最大限度地实现每个个体的功能。 INDEPENDENT LIVING AND MEDICAL MODEL PARADIGMS MEDICAL MODEL PARADIGM INDEPENDENT LIVING PARADIGM Definition of problem physical or mental impairment; lack of vocational skill ; lack of abilities dependence upon professionals, family members others; it is the attitudes environments that are hostile need fixing Locus of problem in the individual (individuals are sick and need to be “fixed”) in the environment; in the medical and/or rehabilitation process itself; disability is a common part of the human condition Solution to the problem professional intervention; treatment civil rights advocacy barrier removal self-help peer role models peer support consumer control over options services Social role individual with a disability is a “patient” individual with a disability is a “consumer,” “customer” or “user” of services and products Who controls professional “consumer” or “individual” Desired outcomes maximum self-care (or “ADL” -activities of daily living); gainful employment independence through control over ACCEPTABLE options for every day living in an integrated community 代表人物 1.Ed Roberts 和“独立生活中心” Center for Independent Living 1972 2.Wade Blank 和 ADAPT 组织 Americans Disabled for Accessible Public Transit 1978   Ed Roberts想上大学。孩提时的小儿麻痹症病史使他不得不依赖人工呼吸器(每天18个小时)维持生命,他无法独立行走或自如地移动自己的手臂。但他是个优秀的学生,顺利地考入了高中,只是由于无法完成学校对体育课和驾驶课的要求而未能获得高中毕业证书。 由于不能获得学校对这两门课的豁免,Ed将自己的申述提交给了加州学区委员会。通过长时间的坚持和对自己权利的维护,他最终获得了高中文凭。但Ed并没有因此而中止维权活动,他又为自己争取到康复基金的资助,并被加州大学伯克利分校录取。 1962年9月,当Ed戴着人工呼吸器,坐在轮椅上来到大学校园时,他很快便发现自己的轮椅根本进不了宿舍的门。他尝试着住在国际公寓和其他的宿舍区,但结果都一样。最后,当地医院的院长了解到Ed是第一个到大学来继续接受教育的小儿麻痹症患者时,他决定让Ed住在


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