
园艺科学(英文版) orticultural Science.ppt

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园艺科学(英文版) orticultural Science

Edible or economic parts Pods: legumes harvested prematurely , cooked, and eaten with the seeds inside. Roots: The roots are dug and eaten baked, boiled, or fried. Sometimes primary plant parts (stem, root, and leaf) may become modified as storage organs for food. Bulbs: modified stems and leaves. The stem is highly compressed to form what is called a basal plate, while the leaves are storage organs. Tubers: modified roots (swollen stems). Greens: vegetable crops whose leaves are usually picked at tender stages to be used for food. Adaptation Cool season: Require monthly temperatures of 15-18oC. Warm season: Prefer monthly temperatures of 18-27oC. Botanical features Vines: Plants with stems that need physical support. Solanaceous plants: Plants belong to the family Solanaceae. Cole crops: Plants belong to the Brassica family. 甘蓝类蔬菜(cole crops) 十字花科(Cruciferae)芸薹属(Brassica)一二年生草本植物。 Ornamental plants Herbaceous Woody Growth cycle: Annual, Biennial, Perennials: Other operational classifications: Bedding plants, Hanging plants, Houseplants Shrubs: Deciduous, Evergreen (narrowleaf, broadleaf) Trees: Deciduous, Evergreen (narrowleaf, broadleaf) Vines: Deciduous, Evergreen Important families as horticultural crops Angiosperms (flowering plants) Monocotyledons (Monocots) Dicotyledons (Dicots) Gymnosperms 被子植物 裸子植物 Monocots Poaceae (grass family) 禾本科 Liliaceae (lily family) 百合科 Orchidaceae (orchid family) 兰科 Amaryllidaceae (amaryllis family) 石蒜科 Aracaceae (palm family) 棕榈科 Dicots Brassicaceae (mustard family) 十字花科 Fabaceae (legume family) 豆科 Cactaceae (cactus family) 仙人掌科 Lamiaceae (mint family) 唇形科 Solanaceae (nightshade family) 茄科 Apiaceae (carrot family) 伞形科 Cucurbitaceae (pumpkin family) 葫芦科 Asteraceae (sunflower family) 菊科 Euphobiaceae (spurge family) 大戟科 Rutaceae (rue family) 芸香科 Ericaceae (heath family) 杜鹃花科 Gymnospers Pinaceae (pine family) 松科 Horticultural Science YAO Qing BILINGUAL COURSE Contents Introduction to Horticulture (2h) Classif


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