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*     The optic nerve and associated vessels are clamped and ligated and transected. *     *     Conjunctiva and Tenons capsule are sutured with 3-0 chromic gut or Vicryl, and the skin is closed with simple interrupted sutures of a nonabsorbable material appropriate for the size and environment of the patient *     六、眼睑损伤的修复 *     Wound after debridement and ready for suturing. *     The conjunctiva is sutured with 6-0 Vicryl in a simple, continuous pattern. *     The marginal suture is placed first, in two separate bites. *     The second bite. *     The marginal suture is carefully tied to ensure apposition of the margins. The knot lies along the margin. The wound is sutured with simple interrupted suture of 6-0 silk. The first suture beneath the margin relieves tension on the marginal suture. *     The wound sutured. *     A figure-eight suture pattern may be used in place of the first two sutures. *     The wound sutured using a figure-eight technique. *     谢 谢 大 家! *     *     *     4.止血钳暂不松开,用烧烙法止血,其方法为:将注射针头在酒精灯上烧红后,立即用针头烧烙而使出血点止血。松开止血钳(图3-8),用3%氯霉素眼药水点入患眼结膜囊内,松解保定。 图3-8 松解止血钳,手术完毕 【术后护理】术后3天内应用3%氯霉素眼药水滴眼,每天3~4次。手术效果良好 。 *     四、Excision of Eyelid Tumors Eyelid tumors are common in the dog. The tarsal gland adenoma is the most frequently diagnosed eyelid tumor in the dog. Less commonly found are adenocarcinomas,melanomas and papillomas. *     The tarsal gland adenoma, as with most tumors of the canine eyelid,is clinically benign,and surgical excision is usually curative. Cryosurgery using 1iquid nitrogen at -20℃ can also be used to treat these tumors. *     【surgical method】 *     As the conjunctiva is not involved, it is not removed. Incisions are outlined by dotted lines. The incisions are marked on the patient with a plastic surgery marking pen. The vertical sides of the triangles are 20 per cent longer than the vertical incisions adjacent to the tumor to allow for wound contraction. *     *     A square or rectangular in


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