生鲜卫生培训要点(PPT 24页).ppt

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生鲜卫生培训要点(PPT 24页)

Customer safety is 消费者的安全是 An essential and implicit need 我们不言而喻的职责 在某一天的早上,发生了…… What happened in a store “ 对于某店的店长来说这是个遗憾而且艰难的一天,我们可以想象当他听说发生食物中毒事件时有多震撼。” “ 五月一日以来,某超市已经摆脱了食物中毒事件,熟食科停止了加工,估计损失了 150,000 - 200,000,包括赔偿费和处罚费,损失非常惨重。而且企业形象的损毁远比这些还要严重。” SAFETY RISK 健康的风险 If we don’t apply perfect hygiene, we risk customer safety, we can be responsible of people’s death! 如果我们不想办法达到一个完好的卫生标准, 那我们就将置顾客的健康于危险的境地 LEGAL RISK 法律的风险 Bills, products withdraw, destroyed, jail…store can also be closed and stop activity 罚款、扣押或销毁商品、 判刑入狱、机构关张及停止经营活动等 China Food Hygiene Law 1 UNHAPPY CUSTOMER COSTS A LOT! 一个不满意的顾客可能意味着公司严重的经济损失 For 1 customer who complains, 24 others keep silence 在二十五个不满意的顾客中,只有一个顾客提出投诉,其余二十四个人都保持沉默 1 customer unhappy tells it to 12 people 一个不满意的顾客会将他的不满对十二个人讲 ECONOMIC AND COMMERCIAL RISK 经济和贸易风险 We can loose customers, decrease market share, get a bad image… 顾客流失、市场占有率减少、品牌形象遭到破坏 不同的细菌类别 Different microbes families ESSENTIALS MICROBES 不可缺少的微生物 In animal and human intestine 在人类和动物体内 DANGEROUS MICROBES 有害微生物 Bacteria and Virus 细菌与病毒 Can bring 可能导致 : infectious diseases 传染病 (if the microbe’s number is too high) Toxi-infections (if the microbes produce toxins, that can not be destroyed by heat) Bacteria细菌, yeasts, molds Can bring: Bad taste or smell to food 对食品产生不好的味道及气味 Example of Microbe test result Contamination sources 污染源(where com from microbes??) 据化验,一只没有清洗过的手上有细菌8万 ~ 80万 According to the chemical examination, there are 80,000-800,000 microbes on a dirty hand Carrefour China Fresh Training 卫生要点培训 Hygiene Key Points Training Carrefour China Fresh Training 生鲜卫生要点培训 Fresh Hygiene Key Points Training Appearance (staff,cleaning..) Safety Healthy To insure hygiene, check in detail, not only in surface (rotation, disinfection, cold chain, auto-control,Training..) … but also a 同时,也是 SANITARY 健康的迫切需要 LEGALLY 法规的迫切需要 ECONOMIC AND COMMERCIAL 经济贸易的迫切需要 … obligation “ It is a pitiful and hard day for the store manager of Nantou store, Mr Alain Enjalbert. We


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