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If you step on a crack you will break your mothers back. Banish 驱逐,消除 They were banished from the library for making noise. In an ideal world, preventive medicine would banish premature death. 8 Depth深处;深渊 These creatures live in the depth of the Pacific Ocean. ? 这些生物生活在太平洋的海底。 Indifferent He is indifferent to/toward the result of the exam. ? 他对考试结果漠不关心。 She seems indifferent, but deep down she’s very pleased. ? 她貌似无动於衷,其实心里非常高兴。 Its quite indifferent to me whether you go or stay. 你去也好,留也好,我无所谓。 9 旧约 出埃及记 12 耶和华在埃及地晓谕摩西、亚伦说:你们要以本月为正月,为一年之首。你们吩咐以色列全会众说:…..各家要取点血,涂在吃羊羔的房屋左右的门框上和门楣上。因为那夜我要巡行埃及,把埃及地一切头生的,无论是人是牲畜,都击杀了,又要败坏埃及一切的神。我是耶和华。这血要在你们所住的房屋上作记号;我一见这血,就越过你们去。我击杀埃及地头生的时候,灾殃必不临到你们身上灭你们。你们要记念这日,守为耶和华的节,作为你们世世代代永远的定例…. 9 Lest Beware your hat, lest it (should) be blown away. ? 当心你的帽子别被吹走。 Hide it lest he (should) see it. 把它藏起来免得他看见。 9 美拉尼西亚 美拉尼西亚(Melanesia)太平洋三大岛群之一,“美拉尼西亚”之名源自希腊语,意为“黑人群岛”。美拉尼西亚类型,皮肤黝黑,头发卷曲,阔脸宽鼻,颌部突出。使用多种语言,属南岛语系美拉尼西亚语族。崇拜图腾和首领,迷信巫术和占卜,有专职巫师和祭司。后来部分人改信基督教。 9 Body of---A body of information is a large amount of it. An increasing body of evidence suggests that all of us have cancer cells in our bodies at times during our lives. 9 Point to 显出可能 All the evidence points to/towards Randall as the murder. 所有的证据都标明兰德尔是杀人凶手。 No use saying science discredits it. ---It’s no use saying science harms the reputation of astrology. It is no use crying over the spilt milk. ? 事已至此,徒悲无益。 Not…give a damn --- show no concern or interest 不在乎 I do not give a damn what she does. He does not give a damn whether he passes the exam or not. 10 have some hand in---have some control in …joined her Roman Catholic friends in killing spiders on July 11… ---In killing spiders on July 11, the Catholics hopes to ensure the heavy rain in the following day so as to impede the Protestants’ parade. 11 stand aloof from---keep a distance from The house stands aloof from the streets. ? 那所房子远离街道。 Never stand aloof from the masses. ? 千万不可脱离群众。 12 Language Work 1. has an un


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