网优事业部网优项目培训 切换参数教材.pptx

网优事业部网优项目培训 切换参数教材.pptx

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网优事业部网优项目培训 切换参数教材

网优事业部惠州项目培训 --切换参数讲解与应用;目录;一、切换定位参数;Ericsson1: MSRXSUFF is a threshold for the downlink signal strength from neighbouring cells, as measured by the MS, for allowing a cell to be eligible for path lossranking. It is defined per cell.目标小区下行最小电平 BSRXSUFF is the corresponding threshold for the uplink signal strength to neighbouring cells, as calculated from the downlink measurements. It is defined per cell, and given in relation to a reference point, e.g. as EIRP.目标小区下行最小电平 KHYST is the hysteresis for cell borders defined by the signal strength criterion (K-K borders), i.e. at low signal strength. It is defined as a cell to cell relation,i.e. in each cell it can be defined individually for each neighbour that has been defined for that cell. In the reverse direction, i.e. the opposite relation, KHYST obtains the same value and is thus a symmetrical relation parameter. K-K 边界的滞后值. LHYST is the hysteresis for cell borders defined by the path loss criterion (L-L borders), i.e. at high signal strength. It is defined as a cell to cell relation and is a symmetrical relation parameter. L-L 边界的滞后值.;TRHYST is the hysteresis for a cell border that is defined by a K-L transition. It is defined as a cell to cell relation and is a symmetrical relation parameter. K-L 边界的滞后值. KOFFSET is used to displace cell borders that are defined as signal strength criterion (K-K) borders. It is defined as a cell to cell relation, and is an antisymmetrical relation parameter, i.e. in the opposite relation, KOFFSET obtains the same absolute value but with opposite sign. K-K边界的偏值. LOFFSET is used to displace cell borders that are defined as path loss criterion (L-L) borders. It is defined as a cell to cell relation and is an antisymmetrical relation parameter. L-L边界的偏值 TROFFSET is used to displace cell borders that are defined by a K-L transition. It is defined as a cell to cell relation and is an anti-symmetrical relation parameter. K-L 边界的偏值.;Ericsson3: HYSTSEP gives the signal strength level speci


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