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摘 要 本设计为一拟建在大庆市的综合性高层办公楼,建筑面积为10000平方米以上。建筑主体为12层,采用现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构体系。设计内容主要包括:建筑设计,结构设计两大部分。 建筑设计部分包括:平面图设计、立面图设计、剖面图设计。平面设计中考虑了高层建筑对防火及抗震的要求,采用规则的矩形平面;立面设计中考虑了办公类建筑的特点,装修简洁大方。建筑设计合理,满足建筑功能要求。 结构设计部分包括:框架结构布置,荷载计算,框架侧移刚度计算,横向地震作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算,横向风荷载作用下框架结构内力和侧移计算,在竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算,内力组合,梁、板、柱和基础的配筋计算。在计算方法上,对于水平地震作用采用底部剪力法;对于竖向荷载作用下框架内力采用二次分配法。 关键词:综合性高层办公楼;框架结构;桩基础;内力组合;配筋计算 Abstract This design is an high-rise office building which will be built in Daqing city, the area of the building is 10462.76 square meters.It has 12 floors.The cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure is adopted in this building.The design mainly includes the following two parts:the architectural design and the structural design. The following work is done in the architectural design:the plan design,the elevation design and the section design.During the plan design,considering the demands of earthquake resistance and fire resistance,the retangular plan is designed;During the elevation design,considering the office building is characteristic,the decoration is simple and grand.The architecture design is reasonable and satisfies the construction’s function request. The structural design includes:the arrangement of the frame structure,the calculating of the load,the calculating of the rigidity,the calculating of the frame force and the horizontal displacement under the horizontal earthquake action and wind load,the calculating of the force under the vertical load,the combination of the force,the section design and the reinforcing steel bar calculating of the beams,floors,columns and the foundations.The equivalent base shear method is adopted in calculating the horizontal earthquake action,and the two times distribution of the moment is adopted in calculating the force under the vertical loads. Key words: high rising office building;frame structure;pre-cast pile foundation;force combination;reinforcing steel bar calculating 前 言 在四年的大学学习中,我对土木专业的基本知识进行了系统的学习。本次毕业设计是我在四年基础知识学习的基础之上进行的,是我们在毕业前的最后


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